Ch 4 Seeing an Angel

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Love i am given by ellie goulding

Marcus POV

I am heading out right now to one of my club in paris "les libido." For a business deal. Its not an ideal place to conduct the meeting i know but the building i want to buy is owned by a playboy.

I reached the club. And i headed to the top floor which was reserved for me.

The meeting started. "I am willing to give 50 million pound for Erox and plant. Co." I said to Ian.

"No way i am willing to sell in such low price. I have the greatest manufacturer of ammunition here." He said in a cocky voice. "You want to buy so give me an offer which i cant resist or go somewhere else boy." He laughed at me.

Vincent exchange a look with me. I knew what he meant . You want me to kill this asshole?

No need. I said gesturing by tapping my finger.

"Look i know the deal you made with the Pettrali. Also how your selling gun in back. Also you smuggling smut film on the black market. You have a black money worth of Rs. 900 million pounds in the swize bank no. 003378991485. You don't have any legal money and your company is going under soon. You have a wife but also 15 illegitimate children which you don't own. " he face went pale, his smile disappeared.

"How did you..." i knew what he was going to say next.

"Either you give me your business and i let you walk out of here alive. Or i send all the proof to the police." I said with smirk on my face.

He has no option. "Fine.." he ran cold sweats. I got up from my seat and made my way towards him.

"Wise choice." I smiled and he looked at me like he wanted to kill me now.

"I want my 50 million pound though." He said.

"You getting neither." I laughed.

"But you said..." he protested.

"You lost your chance being too cocky. "

"Hey!—" He was saying something but I couldn't hear anything cause my eye found what i was looking for.

My tiger. The ginger head. She was dancing with some girls.

I didn't care about anything and ran downstairs.

"We are done here." I Said giving one last look at him and then to Vincent to follow me. Vincent accompanied me as my other guards took Ian out.

I smiled keeping my eyes at her. "Is that her? The one you were looking for?" Vincent said standing beside me.

"What are the odds? She is here in my club." I got chills seeing her in that dress. So seductive. Yet so tame.

She made her way towards the bar with wasted friend. The bartender flirted with her. She was clearly not into it. But he was not giving up. Then she stomped off to save her friends from some leach drunk guys who were groping. I wanted to jump in to save her but she was dauntless enough to Handel it by herself. I was amused by her. But then i noticed the bartender taking the opportunity to put some pills in her drink. That bastard will die in my hands.

He handed her the drink and I rushed to her side. "I wouldn't drink that if i were you." I said to her.

"Excuse me?" She asked me confused raising her one eyebrow.

I leaned in close to her, close enough to make make her cheeks and ears red. "I think, your drink had been been spiked... " I said in her ear.

"Wh... what? How do you know so?" I stepped back to give her space. I could see her flustered over me. Inside i was smiling thinking the affect I have on her.

The side effects of Marcus King ( vol.1) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now