•4 goodnight

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     asahi made his way to the karasuno room. you were basically already asleep in his arms by the time you showed up at the room. your day was interesting to say the least.

waking up at ungodly hours of the morning... not fun. then meeting the karasuno team, exciting! the bus then shiritorizawa... bokuto, akaashi and sakusa, then... dinner... that was the final straw for you. your energy meter went wayyy down afte that. which brings you to now...

asahi slowly opened the door and peeked inside to make sure no one was in there. he opened the door fully and spotted the place where he set your small, dinosaur shaped bag. it had some little things for you to keep yourself occupied. your clothes were in your brothers bag, just to keep them together. he took you off of himself and set you down on the small couch. he was about to get up from his crouching position when the door opened again. it was tsukishima. no yamaguchi. (woahh tsukki with no 'guchi!) just him and himself.

"ah hello, tsukishima, did you need anything?" the ace asked.

"no, just coming to see if everything was alright. i saw you rush out of the cafeteria without saying anything. also noya basically pushed me out of the cafeteria since i was the only one done dinner. he said he would have done it himself but he wanted to finish." he replied.

"well, i appreciate your guys' concerns for me and my sister. she's okay. just a little scared of coach when he yelled. she's pretty tired now, she's sleeping on the couch," asahi started. "you possibly wouldn't mind, uh, watching her so i can go finish and have a talk with bokuto?"

tsukishima thought about it for a second but agreed, saying that it's fine. asahi thanked him and left for the cafeteria again.

"no, _____! don't go!" you heard a voice say.
"i don't want to go!" you yelled back.
"come on, _____. we have to go. leave your mother behind and let's. go." another voice said.
"i'm not leaving mama! she's coming too!"
"no, she's not!"
"leaver her then." a third voice said.
"she'll make-"

you woke up in a cold sweat and in someone's arms. you looked up and say tsukishima. you were instantly comforted when he realized you were crying.

"it's okay. you're fine." he said, in an unusual mother-like voice. it seems the boys like to mother you sometimes. you removed your hands from their tucked in your shirt state to grabbing onto tsukishima's shirt. your hands were still clammy but you passed the feeling when tsukishima stroked your head in a comforting manner. "why were you crying?" he asked.

     "scary dream..." you sniffed.

     "ahh, a nightmare. you'll be okay. none of its real."

     you nodded and dug your face closer into his chest, if that was even possible at this point. he picked you up closer to his upper body then stood up to walk over to one of the pull out couches. they had already set them up before dinner so they could collapse after eating. tsukishima set you down gently on the bed and went to grab your little bag.

     "what does your bag look like?" he asked.

     "dinosaur!" you replied. tsukishima looked around and saw a small dinosaur shaped bag next to asahi's larger bag. he picked it up and brought it to you. you sat up immediately when you saw the bag in his hands. you opened the bag and brought out a small blue t-rex plush. you held it close to you and started to feel tired again.

unbeknownst to you, tsukishima watched you gawk over the plush and boom.

tsukishima's heart=melted.

your next victim due to your cuteness was the cold hearted tsukishima kei.

after you have a nightmare, your brother would always welcome you to his room and would comfort you, usually snuggling, until you both fell asleep to the next day. you were missing that right now and the only other person in the room was tsukishima. you didn't even think twice and stood up in the bed and grabbed his hand, pulling him onto the small pull out couch. damn you were strong for a five year old, but he was also caught off guard so that didn't help in his attempt to catch himself. he looked at you with confusion until the door opened up, revealing the karasuno team.

"oh, sorry, should have knocked. anyways, is she okay now?" you heard the voice of your brother speak.

"yeah she's fine." he replied like the nightmare didn't happen.

"well, she looks fine so that's good, thank you tsukishima." asahi thanked.

tsukishima got up and asahi came to you. "you alright now?" you nodded and climbed onto his lap. he wrapped an arm around you protectively. he noticed the semi guilty look on tsukishima's face and started to think. then he thought about your reoccurring nightmare with family and things like that. he moved into a more comfortable position with you still with him and asked, "are you sure you're okay? did you have a nightmare when i left?"

     you didn't say anything but started to shake, thinking about the nightmare you had did not make you feel okay. asahi noticed you shaking and pulled you closer so you could feel comforted like he always does. you let a couple tears fall before sniffing and rubbing both your eyes.

     "hey thunderbolt, you good?" noya came up beside the bed where you were seated with asahi and you shook you head. you clutched onto your brothers shirt and sniffled a couple more times before having almost everyone's attention. then, with all eyes on you and your brother, asahi started to get nervous with the staring. you noticed that before telling everyone to piss off. yes. you literally said, "piss off." before latching your arms onto asahi's neck and pushing him down so you're laying on top of him. he was used to you being like this. protective. you liked to make sure your brother felt safe so he could make you feel safe. it was a mutual thing you could say. you couldn't loose your brother to anything or anyone. you usually stayed with him but not in this case where you're at a training camp and you get to meet everyone else who plays yours and your brothers favourite sport.

     suga noticed the time, they had been talking for a lot longer than he thought. it was 10:38 and they needed to go to bed. he got up and said, "okay, it's almost eleven at night. we need to get some rest. goodnight everyone an didn't stay up to late and be up by 6. no later."

     everyone bid a goodnight and you waited for everyone to be laying down before saying your goodnight, you wanted everyone to hear you. just because you were that cute. "goodnight!" you said cheerfully. you heard a couple more goodnights before laying back down atop of asahi.

     "goodnight, trouble." asahi was on the verge of sleep but still said goodnight. he placed a small kiss atop your head and soon you both dozed off to sleep.

     you dreamt about the volleyball teams and you playing volleyball in the summer. funny because you didn't even know most of them yesterday. well... whatever. it was a good dream.

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