•7 meeting aoba josai

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"hey! who turned off the lights?!" someone yelled.

"i don't know?! what's going on?" someone else yelled.

yelling was coming from all different directions and it was scaring you more because of the darkness and the yelling combined. you didn't like the dark all too well in the first place but this was outrageous.

some people started to use their phone flashlights and others went to go look for some usable hand flashlights. those who didn't have their phones or they were dead stuck next to someone with a light. you ok the other hand didn't know what to do. your brother was one of the ones who went to go look for some usable flashlights. he was gone. and he was not able to comfort you like he normally would if the power went out at home. you were still sitting on the table that the ace set you down at and you began to panic.

"what do i do? brother always tells me to go to him if i'm scared. maybe i'll do that... yeah!! i'll go find him and help!" you thought to yourself. spoiler alert. not a good idea. you hopped off your chair and went to feel around for the exit. since most people just started to use their phones like normal the lights weren't beaming down on the ground, therefore letting you get out unnoticed. you made your way through the long hallway until you heard some voices. they were new voices. never heard them before. they must be that white and teal team you've seen lately since yesterday. you kept walking by them until you ran into the back of someone's leg.

"oops! sorry!" you apologized.

"i, uh... it's all good?" the man said, looking around until he looked down and met eyes with you. he had some of the coolest eyebrows you've ever seen. "oh hey, i've seen you around before. karasuno's ace's sister, right?" the man asked.

"yup! that's me! i'm _____." you said, once again, proudly.

"cool," the man said while pointing finger guns at your tiny body. you clutched a hand to year heart and pretended that he shot you. you fell to the floor and pretended to die. "hey makki! look at this, man! this kids cool like us!" the man who you assumed was named makki walked over to the previously talking man and laughed as he explained what just happened.

"oh right, i'm mattsun, that's makki, we're the meme team." mattsun said smoothly while applying fake sunglasses. makki laughed at his friends actions.

"iwaaaa~" you heard a voice coo out. you and the two memers looked over to see a man with chocolate brown hair and no ass cooing at some other guy who looked 200% done with the others' actions.

"go away, shittykawa." the man being cooed at sneered. the other backed away and pouted. he looked over to where you and the meme team were standing and made his way over.

"uh oh, the princess is arriving, be on your best behaviour." makki whispered to you and mattsun and you both tried your best to hide your outburst of laughs.

"hey! what's so funny, huh?" the so called 'shittykawa' whined.

"oh nothing, piggy." mattsun replied while shrugging his arms.

"whatever." the now, 'piggy' rolled his eyes and looked down at you. "oh? a kid? hello~" he cooed. you looked at him in disgust, honestly.

"i don't think memer #3 likes to be cooed at, oikawa." mattsun huffed.

"memer #3? what's that about?!" oikawa snapped.

"oh you missed it, she's hilarious." makki laughed.

oikawa had just realized what he'd been called a minute ago. "WAIT?! DID YOU CALL ME PIGGY?" he shrieked. mattsun and makki ignored him and continued to talk to you instead.

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