•6 meeting nekoma

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after tanaka took you over to nekoma's team, which had came into the gym while you were with shiritorizawa's team, you saw kenma and kuroo again. you more excited to see kenma though. (don't tell kuroo😳) you squealed a but like a pig when you were close enough to reach over to kenma. he noticed you and took you in his arms with a faint smile.

"hey puddin', whatcha doin' here?" he asked.

"meeting teams!" you beamed. by now all of nekoma was looking at you like you'd grown a third eye and a second head. scratch that, they were looking at you then kenma. they'd never seen kenma so caring before. he almost out-mothered yaku. almost. lemme foreshadow a bit here, yaku will treat you as his own and you love it.

"well let's see, that's kuroo, as you know," he started while pointing a kuroo who was beside him. "there's lev, yaku, yamamoto and inuoka. the rest are probably one their way soon." he said while pointing to each one while saying their names. when he introduced lev you almost instantly didn't like him too much. he was like uber tall and it wasn't okay. like you were okay with tendou's height, maybe more but like 6'4 and over scared the living shit outta you. and he was only a first year too, he was probably going to grow more which scared you again. while seeing yaku you instantly felt at ease after seeing the tall tree they called lev.

"what they feed him?" you asked, gabbing your small thumb at lev. kuroo let out his hyena laugh and the rest of the team laughed with him, even lev laughed. he knew he was tall and he knew you probably weren't going to like him. it's not that you didn't like him it's just that he scares you, and to be completely honest he kind of doesn't like kids anyways, contrary to popular belief.

     not like he was going to drop kick you to the moon if he saw you again, yaku would drop kick him to mars probably, he would just not make too much interaction with you. but like i can totally see yaku drop kicking lev to mars if he hurt poor little reader 😩

     "when is training starting, yaku?" kuroo asked.

     "about 10 minutes, we should probably warm up." yaku replied. kuroo nodded and lead the team onto the side of the first court. by now, aoba josai, karasuno and itachiyama have taken places on different courts against different teams just warming up. they were going to play little 4 on 4 games to warm up then get into the real playing.

     you were still basically glued to kenma's side. he had already put you down so he could stretch but you stayed by his side like a lost puppy. he started to do some arm stretches and you did your best to copy him. moving your arms up when he did or bringing them down as he did. (right i forgot to mention this but when the karasuno team came into the gym noya and tanaka left you with the nekoma team so they could stretch with their team.)

     "kurro, look." yaku whispered to kuroo while pointing in yours and kenma's direction. he two boys were in awe at how cute you were while trying to copy kenma while he was stretching. kuroo grabbed out his phone and snuck a picture of it. "kenma's going to hate me for it but it'll be worth it." kuroo whispered to yaku while showing him his phone. yaku nodded in agreement and chuckled.

     "will all teams please move onto designated courts given to you by your team captains from this morning, we're starting the practice games in five minutes." shiritorizawa's coach spoke. teams started to move around but nekoma stayed in the court they're in. guess they already thought about claiming their court so they didn't have to move.

     "_____, do you want to go back to your team?" yaku walked over to you and asked. you looked over to karasuno's team then back to nekoma's. you thought about it then nodded. you wanted to see your brother play against your, now unmasked, masked friend and his team. yes. karasuno was playing against itachiyama. that was the text until you saw karasuno talking and then moving closer to where you were. guess they went to the wrong court. turns out they're playing against nekoma to start. so you stayed with nekoma but soon moved to be on your team's bench.

     it was just a friendly game but you loved seeing it anyways. when you moved over to karasuno's bench, you sat beside ukai and takeda. you had the choice to sit beside them or kiyoko and yachi who were on the other bench on the other side.

     "hey, kid! where've you been all morning?" takeda asked.

     "with kema!" you replied happily at the thought of being with kenma again.

     "oh, so you were with nekoma then?" ukai asked from the other side of you. you sat in between the two. you nodded and also pointed at shiritorizawa's team that was behind your back. takeda looked over his shoulder and asked, "shiritorizawa too?" you nodded happily, again reminiscing in the memories of your favourite people. then you laughed out of no where but at the thought of you hitting semi on the head with a ball.

     "what's so funny, kid?" ukai asked.

     "i hit semisemi with a ball." you were still sort of laughing but ukai and takeda both froze. tendou on the other hand, who was sitting on the bench overheard you talking about what happened earlier and made his way over. since he was behind you, you didn't see him come up silently. he grabbed you from behind by your arms. you were shocked but soon after noticed the bandaged fingers and knew exactly who it was. since you didn't yell or scream, ukai and takeda didn't notice you be lifted off the bench by tendou. once they did notice about 5 seconds later they looked panicked. how'd they lose you in 5 seconds?! then they both looked behind them to see you in tendou's arms.

     "i heard you talking about when super child his semisemi with a volleyball. if you're wondering, he's fine, nothing hurt it was just a volleyball. _____ did it to protect me because she thought semi was scaring me or something." tendou explained. ukai and takeda nodded and went back to watching the warm up game that was still going on.

     "tendou, your on." you heard a voice say from behind tendou and you. tendou turned around with you in his arms and it was ushijima who had said those words. you looked up at him and smiled. he hesitated for a second but patted your head lightly before walking away. you giggled and tendou put you down.

     "bye bye, guess man!" you called up to him.

     "bye, super child!" tendou waved with just as much excitement as you and walked onto the court.

     you didn't return to your spot in between ukai and takeda, instead you walked over to nekoma's bench and saw kenma and some others on the bench. you walked up so you were behind kenma, who had his nose in his psp not paying attention to anything else, and you grabbed ahold of his one arm and made him jump from his seat. you started to laugh and kenma looked down to see your small figure beside the bench, laughing. he put his psp down and then picked you up and moved to somewhere else so he could sit against the wall, he knew that his game was going to last for a bit longer and he wasn't going to get put in since he already played two full games so he took the chance to spend some time with you.

     "did i scare you?" you asked innocently.

     "yes. yes you did." he agreed. you nodded in accomplishment. he set you down beside him and you let your head fall onto one of his legs. he noticed you looked kind of sleepy, guess for a five year old this was a lot, so he said to you, "if you're tired take a nap, i'm not playing again until later, you'll be fine." you nodded your head and closed your eyes and almost immediately fell into a gentle, light, nap. you felt even more comfortable because kenma was petting your head like a little cat. you loved it.

      "hey, (nickname), wake up, it's time for lunch," you knew that voice anywhere and only one person called you that nickname. you opened your eyes to see you were in your brothers arms instead of with kenma. "did you have a good nap?" he asked. you nodded while rubbing your one eye with the back of your hand. before you knew what was happening, you were seated at a table in the cafeteria. then...


     no, you didn't pass out but the lights went out. all of them. not even the backup generator was working. it's almost like someone planned this... no... no one would sabotage a volleyball camp, would they?

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