Call Number 2!

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I miss your voice


Incoming call Katsuki Bakugou

I giggled at his immediate reaction and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I spoke softly into the phone waiting for a reply.

"Dumbass." He chuckled at me.

"I miss you." I croaked trying to hold back tears. "Sorry I'm kinda a baby aren't I?"

"Don't apologize it's fine, I'd miss me too! I'm awesome after all!" I laughed at his words, I loved how I knew he was a rough person but grew softer to me.

"I just want to see you, I can't take it anymore. I want you to hold me and tell me everything's going to be alright." I slowly broke down thinking of the stressful past few weeks.

"Hey, talk to me dumbass what's going on?" His voice remained calming but a little worried now.

"Tests are so damn stressful, I haven't been sleeping either. My dad's damn quirk gets so mean when he's drunk, and he's always drunk!" I sobbed out getting into my small closet in my room for more privacy and comfort, while letting my dancing lights live around the room giving off a soft warm glow.

"It's going to be ok, just hang on a few more weeks then you'll be in my arms and I'll be able to protect you." Bakugou seemed like he was struggling not to come find me and take me away from my dad. "Has he ever hurt you?" I could sense venom in his voice but he was trying to hold it back.

"I can't answer that." I didn't want to give my dad out because it's been hard on him the past few years, I tried not to blame him for his unconscious actions.

"Answer me damnit! I don't want you to be scared of your dad, he's supposed to protect you! Dad's are supposed to be there for you!" Bakugou raised his voice before he brought it back down. "Sorry, I hope I didn't scare you."

"He's a good man, he's just been sad since my mom left us." I answered trying to end that conversation.

"Why did your mom leave?" He asked taking a deep breath trying to get back to his calmer voice.

"She was scared of his quirk. I'm scared of his quirk but it can't hurt me as long as I don't let it." I extended my hand from the closet playing with one of the glowing orbs.

"I don't want you to be scared, I want to be there and chase away those fears." He sounded a bit frustrated by the situation but let it go.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have a breakdown on this call, I just wanted to hear you again." I apologized chuckling lightly.

"Don't apologize dumbass, how many times do I have to tell you this? You can call me and cry whenever you want too, I'll never get tired or annoyed by it because I like your voice too." Bakugou sighed deeply making me giggle.

"If you say so." I couldn't wait to see him, to hold him, to have him be here with me. I wanted to know him.

"Whatever dumbass." He chuckled along with me.

"Dork!" I laughed making him yell.

"The hell you say to me?! I'm not a dork, you're a dork! You dork!" I couldn't stop laughing at him, I found his outbursts hilarious.

"I'm the cutest dork you'll ever see!" I joked making him let out a 'tch'.

"Goodnight dumbass, get some sleep. Take care of yourself or I will!" Bakugou yelled lightly.

"Goodnight Bakugou, just promise me we can be together forever someday." I spoke softly not wanting to be teased mercilessly for my sappiness.

"I promise, one day I'll give you the world and you won't have to be scared anymore." His voice was calm and comforting but filled with determination.

"I thought we weren't going to be cliche." I smiled really hoping we would keep our promise.

"Whatever dumbass just go to bed." We talked a little longer after that but soon hung up wanting the day that we'd meet to come faster.


Word count 700

Soft Katsuki soft Katsuki soft Katsuki soft Katsuki

I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I've been going through some stuff and forgot to update, I'm sorry.

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