Hey Stranger

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I looked at myself in the mirror for the millionth time, checking my outfit and hair. Was this really happening? I've been talking to Bakugou over the phone for so long now, but now we're actually going to meet and see each other.

It's like the most anticipated face reveal ever.

Finally deciding I looked ok I grabbed my backpack purse and walked out the door. I wanted to get there early because I got in a fight with my dad this morning, he told me "it's not smart to meet people you met online" but I don't care. I know he was looking out for me, but I trust Bakugou.

I know he's not some old man who wants to traffic me. Probably.

The walk to the cafe was heavy, if that makes sense. I played music in my ears to calm my nerves but it could only do so much.

Yes I was excited to meet him, but I was also really anxious about it.

Arriving at the cafe I walked in. How did I want to see him first? I could hide behind an ally then when I see him tackle him. Or I could sit all pretty in my seat and look over to him all mysterious when he walks in. Then tackle him.

Either way he was getting tackled. The first option was kinda creepy but could be very effective. The second was a little boring and cliche, we said we wouldn't be cliche.

In the end I got so distracted trying to figure out what I was going to do, all the time I had passed away.

I ended up doing something really different.

The door chimed open and I looked over to see a tall blonde with spiky hair, it was him. I knew it.

He looked around the cafe but didn't really pay attention to me. Rude. He didn't recognize me from my description.

I watched as he looked at the time and took a seat at the window with the counter thing. I sighed and decided to take things into my own hands. He wasn't going to recognize me.

I slowly stood up and quietly snuck up behind him. I was going to do it! I was going to tackle him!!

He didn't notice me as he continued staring out the window. I got up right behind him before I jumped on his back giggling.

He flinched from the attack but calmed down once he heard my giggle. "Dumbass!" I slid off his back and he stood up turning around to get a good look at me. "Oh shit."

"What?" I asked confused. Did he not like me?

"No, it's not that." He shook his head looking down at me, dismissing my thoughts. His vermilion eyes looking into mine and roaming my figure taking me in. "You're hot."

I laughed at his words, my face becoming a hot mess of red. I didn't know how to respond.

"Too bad I can't kick your ass." He looked down to my knee brace glaring at it. "I guess I'll settle for this instead." Suddenly he snaked his arms around me. One firmly pulling my waist into him, the other going to the back off my neck. His fingers entangling in my hair as he pulled me into a soft but firm embrace.

"Hey stranger!" I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a long time. "I think you're hot too." I laughed into his chest taking in his scent. He smelled like burnt sugar, it smelled amazing. Kinda like caramel.

"Of course I'm hot!" He departed the hug to look me in the eyes. "I told you I was!" I was so happy being around him, even if he was shouting at me.

I raised my hand to his face and gently cupped his face. "I didn't have any doubts Bakugou. Even your hands were hot."

I didn't fully expect it so when his lips crashed into mine my eyes widened. His lips were soft but slightly chapped.

I could tell he knew what he was doing when he kissed me, I slowly melted into the kiss, kissing him back.

Idk You Yet 『Bakugou Katsuki x reader textfic』Where stories live. Discover now