part 7: School, again?!

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I was defense, we only had 7 people, eight if you included me. Rich was striker for my team and Griff was striker for the other team, Patrizio was goalie for mine and Andy the other, I was against Ash, Lacarzo was midfield for mine and Marcello the other, I got down into a lunge and the ball was on our side, quite quickly

I ran at it, Griff dribbling it I slide tackled him and got grasp of the ball, Lacarzo had moved up and I kicked it towards him and ran forward

"And again!" I yell, Lacarzo kicks it to me and I boot it into the goal

"Christ your good" Griff says, panting

The ball was passed to Marcello and I ran full speed at him, kicking out my leg to get the ball, I got it and passed it to Rich, who passed it to Lacarzo who then got tackled by Griff, I ran and got the ball and kicked it towards the goal and Lacarzo kicked it in

This lasted for a while until we agreed to stop. Marcello had gone in for the lasagna and we decided to have it outside, whilst I waited I lay my head on Patrizio's stomach

"Hola chicá" he says, fiddling with my hair

"Can I ask you something?" I say, looking up at the dancing clouds

"Of course" he says

"Can I dye my hair?" I ask

"What? No!" Patrizio says

"Whyyy! It's so boring" I sass, Patrizio just sighs "anyway mom was blonde!" I say

"Fair. But no" he says, I groan and stand up, stretching I go to the goal and jump up, clinging to it I swing myself up and sit down, I wince heavily and shift about, I notice Andy laughing at me and I jump down and walk over

"What's so funny?" I say, folding my arms.

"Just the fact you think your so cool" he says, standing up

"Time and a place" I say

"What?" He says, confused

"Time and a place" I repeat

"For what?" He asks

"Oh, guess right now." I shrug

"Chiara what do you mean??" He says

"Oh just the fact you want something" I say

"And what's that?" He asks

"This" I shout, punching him in the face, I walk back over to Patrizio who smacks my thigh and sits me down

I just roll my eyes and Marcello comes out with two plates, Griff jumps up to help and pretty soon we are all eating

"Chicà what did you do in school?" Lacarzo asks

"Oh uh, I dropped out last year" I say, cutting up my food

"WHAT?!" He shouts

"Yeah. Or I was expelled, you'll never know." I say

"Your going back to school" Patrizio says, before putting a forkful of food in his mouth

"But I hate it! All they go on is about what the area of a circle is, which may I add is pi²" I say, taking a bite of the side salad

"Well atleast your smart." Lacarzo says

"And you've got an automatic scholar. Griff works there" Lacarzo says

"As what the janitor?" I sass

"No as the assistant head teacher and head of English and probably your English teacher" Griff says

"And ash and rich and the other one goes there?" I ask

"His name is Andy, and yes. They do" Griff says

"I'm football captain. Andy is head boy and soccer captain and rich is second in command of English" Ashton say

"Biased much??" I say, looking at Griff

Griff looks down, I had finished my food so I took it inside and washed it

"You didn't have to do that" Lacarzo says, putting it next to me

"I've been doing it since I was 1" I sighed

I took Lacarzos plate and washed it as well, he dried them

"Can you please tell Andy to stop winding me up" I say, putting the last plate back

"You two will be fine." He says, picking me up and taking me to a new room, it looked like a recording room.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, looking around

"Oh nothing, this is my favourite room, I wanna show you the gymnastics room" he says, carrying me to the gymnastics room. It was huge, it had a runway and everything, Lacarzo set me down and I ran on it, jumping I did multiple front handsprings and flipped, ending it

"Since when could you do that?" Lacarzo asks, almost in shock

"Since I was seven, it's easy." I say, standing on my hands

"So do you know how to do the lifts??" Lacarzo asks, I come down and walk over

"Always" I say, grinning he gets down on one knee and puts his hand on it, I stand on it and he lifts me up in the air, I do a scorpion and back flip off his hand

"Good job" he says, nodding and taking me outside to where Griff is attending to Andy's nose I look down and Lacarzo looks at me

"Chiara are you kidding me?" He says, dropping me

I stand up and look at him

"I was provoked" I say

"I didn't even touch you" he says, snuffly

"Whatever" i scoff

"You do realise my school uses corporal discipline Chiara, and that I go really hard on the boys. It won't change for you, I have a cane" he says, I look down

"I've always been brought up like this." I say, ashamed

"Like what?" Marcello says

"Like a bratty bitch" I say

"Watch the language." Marcello says

"And that school is a boarding school. So if you've misbehaved to much your going there for as long as we say" Griff says

"What do I care?! None of you are my dad!" I say, Lacarzo turns me around and drags me inside, pulling me upstairs and I'm put in a room, a decent sized room and he pushes me in and locks the door


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