part 13: panic attacks

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Andy comes down in some black jeans and a shoulder less black jacket, with no top on

Not gonna lie it was hot as fuck, I looked down

"Ight we gonna head out" Andy says, grabbing the Porsche keys

"Don't misbehave Chiara, love you and I'll see you later" Lacarzo says

I blush "I won't" I say, rolling my eyes, Andy takes me to the car and sits me in the front, handing me $3,000

"The minimum to spend on a dress is $750" Andy says "Lacarzos orders" he says, I huff

"Hey! Don't huff at me it's Lacarzos fault" Andy says, tickling my neck, I couldn't help but laugh, Andy smiles and starts the car, as we are driving I noticed a black car with all blacked out windows following us

"Hey Andy, I think we are being tagged" I say, keeping calm

Andy discreetly looks in the rear view and makes a right turn, so does the car. He made three more and it was still following us, he called Lacarzo

"Lacarzo we are being tagged by a black hondosivic (A/N it's the only car I could think off don't judge me) and-" but I interrupt him

"he's got a gun" I say, wide eyed, watching him bring it out the window, I look in the storage units in the car and find a gun

"He's got a what?!" Lacarzo yells

"A gun and-" but I'm interrupted by a bang I roll down the window, stick my head out, aim my gun at their tires and shoot, I manage to hit their bumper and their two front tyres, the car stopped and Andy immediately started speeding

"Hello?! What was that?! What's going on? Is Chiara okay?!" Lacarzo yells

"I'm fine! I stopped them don't worry about it" I say

Andy was still in shock, he pulled up "Chiara just shot at someone's car and they left. They're back"

"Holy shit, is Chiara alright!?" Marcello asks

"Yeah baby!" I scream, hyped up

"Okay, we'll talk more when you get back" Marcello says, and ends the call, I look at Andy

"So, which shop first?" I ask

"Your seriously gonna ask that now?!" Andy said, stopping the car into an empty parking lot

"Uhh I'm gonna say yes?" I say, Andy looks into my eyes

"You could've died Chiara!" He exclaimed, I look down, Andy pulls my head up with his hand. Forcing me to look in his eyes, I knew that look

"I-im in t-trouble, aren't I?" I ask, Andy nods, I feel myself get hot, Andy gets out and takes me to the back seat, he sat down and tries to pull me over his knee but I fight back

"Andy don't touch me" I say, he looks stunned

"Excuse me? Chiara I was left in charge of you and that means I can punish you as well. So get over my knee" Andy growls

I feel my face flush and I feel fire in my eyes "No. Don't fucking touch me" I say, Andy tries again but I break from his grasp, I open the car door and leave, I run down the street shaking and crying, my heart felt as if it would explode out of my chest. I immediately called Lacarzo

"What's up?" Lacarzo asks, he could hear my heavy breathing, so much that I couldn't answer

"Chiara?" He asks

"P-panic a-attac-ck!" I gasp

"Okay sweet where's Andy?" He asks

"A-argumen" I gasp

"Okay, where are you?" He asks

"I-ilom av-v-venu!" I gasp

"Okay, stay there I'll come get you, I'll call Andy." Lacarzo says

"N-no don't go" I sob, my heart felt as if it was a double kick drum going off in my ears

"Shh okay I won't" Lacarzo says, he whispers to Patrizio to call Andy

"So, what's your favourite colour again?" Lacarzo asks, I keep gasping

"Y-y-yellow or black" I sob

"Andd your favourite band?" Lacarzo asks

"J-j-j-jinjer!" I sob even harder

"Ooh I love jinjer, what's your favourite song by them?" Lacarzo asks

"T-teacher teacher" I sob again

"Okay, Patrizio and I are coming" Lacarzo says

"N-no! Please don't go!" I beg, Lacarzo sighs

"Sweetie, why would I ever leave?" He asks

I sob even harder, whispering I'm sorry over and over

"Chi, it's okay, we are almost there" Lacarzo says, my legs are so shaky I let my back slide down the wall

"A-andy?" I ask

"Andy drove home sweet. Marcello or Griff is gonna spank him" Lacarzo says

"No! No! No no!" I sob

"Shhh, it's only because he lied to us before" Lacarzo says "not because he tried to spank you, which was completely unnecessary considering you saved both your lives" he finished

I see them pull up, Lacarzo gets out, ends the call and sees me, he picks me up and puts me in the back with him, he hands me a salt packet and water, I down the salt and water and I start calming down, Patrizio looks at me, worried, he nibbles his lip but starts driving

Lacarzo wipes my tears away with his thumb and let's me cuddle with him. I'm still shaking and crying but my heart wasn't thumping so much and my breathing had calmed.

Lacarzo let me cuddle closer and as soon as we got home, Lacarzo picked me up in a princess carry and puts me on my bed, letting me rest

Was this what siblings are meant to be like?



-CJ xoxo

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