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"Alright, me first."

J took the first sip, her face immediately turned sour then shivered cutely. We're both sitting cross-legged on the floor, she's leaning on the wall while I'm leaning on her bunk.

"Your turn."

She excitedly passed me the glass. Her eyes are focused on me, she's like a hawk, not giving me the chance to fake my drinking. I drank, it tastes weird and too strong. Not my style.

"You like it?" I shook my head then stuck my tongue out, trying to make a funny face.

"Awwww.. you're literally a baby."

She always say that, she's always telling me that I'm like a baby or I act like a baby. She sat closer to me then caressed my back like I'm her daughter seeking for comfort. Then side-hugged me while tapping my forearm, I slowly leaned on her shoulder and we stay like that for like 10 minutes.

"Do you still want more or will just pass?" she took a huge gulp, is she trying to get drunk?

"No, I'll drink the half of it."

I took the cup from her then drank a little bit. It tastes awful, oh my god, I wanna throw up. But of course, I'd still do it. I don't want her to get drunk alone or her to have an impression that I'm a kill joy. That's not me. I'm always up for challenges. Besides, I wouldn't mind getting drunk as long as I'm with JJ.

"Are you okay, PP?"

She took another gulp. She's asking me a question which is supposed to be my question for her. Because to be honest, I think she's starting to get tipsy, so I took the cup from her and drank. Ugh, this soju is really not my style. I prefer sweet flavored alcoholic beverages but I have to drink for the sake of love — I mean friendship. Ehe.

"I'm starting to feel light headed and I like it," J smiling like she's floating after taking another sip.

"Then I think you should stop," I grabbed the cup from her hand.

"No," she took the cup back then drank whatever's left in it.

Afterwards, she faced me — looking straight into my eyes while slowly caressing my cheeks. Oh god! This is weird, I felt a sudden unexplainable shiver.

Without a warning, she intertwined our fingers then leaned her forehead on mine, I can smell the scent of soju that she had been drinking. She gently kissed my forehead then moved back and leaned on my shoulder.

"Pranpriya, have you ever kissed anyone?" her voice so gentle that's almost like a whisper but clear enough for me to hear.


"Why not?" she's playing with my fingers while still leaning on my shoulder.

"Cause — I haven't had a boyfriend yet?"

"Boyfriend? Right," she tsk-ed while smirking, "but have you ever been curious on how it feels to actually kiss someone?"

"Some—ttt," I was about to answer sometimes but I shifted it to a hard "no."

"Why not?" before I could even say a word, I felt her hands already wrapped around my waist then she faced me again.

Her eyes were speaking to me, they're like telling me to draw closer to her. My heart was beating faster and faster as her stares are getting more and more intense.

Her face's slowly coming closer to mine, oh my god. I kept on swallowing hard, my body's starting to tremble. I know deep down inside my heart that if I would kiss this girl, the memories will forever be stuck in my mind.

It scares me so much. I'm scared because I don't understand what I'm feeling. I'm frightened because I REALLY want it. But I more scared of the fact that once I get to have a taste of it, I wont be able to resist it and might be longing for more.

"Ruby Jane," I blurted while slowly moving my face away from her.

"Why?" she whispered while still stuck at the same position, both eyes were closed while her hands are rubbing my back.

"Uh-" I can't utter a word, my tongue fills my mouth and my thoughts are muddled then she tightly pulled me closer to her, our lips are an inch close to touching each other, I froze.

She took another inch towards me til I suddenly felt her lips pressed onto mine while her hands were slowly caressing my hair. I was caught at the moment and literally stopped dead when she gently moved her lips, brushed mine-testing, it was soft and warm. It tasted like mixture of soju and honey lip balm — it's like an explosion of the best flavors in the universe.

She continued to kiss me gently while her hands roam around my body — fuck, this feels good. The heat rose in my cheeks when her soft and sweet tongue reached for mine, it felt really good and electrifyingly delicious.

I don't know what else to do but to succumb to the irresistible charm of this girl. The more our kiss gets deeper the hotter the heat that lays within me. Every exchange of our passionate kisses felt like opening up my soul, feeling and seeing every colour of the rainbow in their own sensual way.

"How does it feel to be kissed, PP?"

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