Chapter 18 - Flames of Resistance Pt. 1/6

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31st of December 1941


Admiralty Building, White Hall, London.

     Y/n was led into Sir Dudley Pound's office by the new Naval Secretary, Rear Admiral Arthur Peters

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     Y/n was led into Sir Dudley Pound's office by the new Naval Secretary, Rear Admiral Arthur Peters. Sir Dudley Pound wasn't there in his office however.

Arthur: "Sir Dudley Pound is currently attending ARCADIA in Washington. He insists that I send you his thanks for your efforts and to inform you that he recommended you for another Distinguished Service Cross and the Distinguished Service Order."

Y/n: "I see sir. Thank you for wasting your valuable time."

Arthur: "No problem. By the way, he also left a letter for you. I don't know the content inside as he insisted that no one else except you can open it, so here you go."

     Arthur pulled out the letter from his uniform's pocket and handed it to Y/n. As soon as Y/n received it, he opened the letter. 

     The content was top-secret and approved by the Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill. It was an order for Y/n to become an liaison officer to his Section F's counterpart in the Pacific, the U.S. Navy's Bureau 10 of the United States Navy Reserve. He was to leave for Pearl Harbor in March 1942.

Y/n: "Thank you, sir."

     Y/n placed the order back into the letter and put it into his uniform's pocket before walking out of Sir Dudley's Pound office.

     As Y/n walked out of the building, he entered Dr. Aiden's car parked nearby. Dr. Aiden quickly drove out of the building's perimeter.

Aiden: "I assume you have some kind of assignment again, Lieutenant Commander?"

Y/n: "As always, George. I will leave Section F to you, this time however it's an emergency."

George: "What kind of assignment is that...?"

     Y/n pulled out the letter in his hand and handed it over to George. As she opened it, she was shocked by the sightings of the Sirens.

Y/n: "There have been sightings of the Sirens by the U.S. Army Air Force six B-17s bombers flying from California prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor."

George: "But the order says you will leave in March for Pearl Harbor. How about January and February?"

Y/n: "The Baker Street Irregulars needed my help so I am going to help them with their businesses."

Aiden: "Lieutenant Commander, I know you know the fact that the U.S. Navy is currently divided into two factions just like Sir Philip said."

Y/n: "Of course, Doctor. Their officer corps are divided into two, the ones that support Section 10 headed by Rear Admiral Chester W. Nimitz and the ones who is ignorant to the fact that humans can't damage the Sirens headed by Admiral Ernest J. King. Hence the reason why Section 10 was based in the Pacific instead of the Atlantic."

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