Wolf Hunting

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Let me start off by say thank you guys! 570 reads! Oh My Goddess I am so greatful that 570 people took time out of their day to read my book. Thank you everyone. Blessed Be.

Ok so back to the topics....
I hate wolf hunting. And coyote and fox hunting or any hunting of canines. So many people are all for wolf hunting and they don't relize that what they are doing will destroy our ecosystem in the not so far away future. All they think about is right now, not the affect of their actions. And they are so ignorant and close minded that they refuse to listen to scientists and wolf activists that are giving them the facts. If wolves go extinct, the deer population will become out of control, they will then starve to death because they ran out of food. Then other creatures that depend on the food will be severely effected, the animals that prey on them will decrease in population, so on and so forth. The anti-wolf people say "oh we can hunt the deer and stop that from happening" But humans kill the healthy ones not the weak ones, making the species unbalanced.

Rant over.

Sorry this is really late and not Therian related but nothing new has happened in my life lately.

~ Alex a.k.a. Nykalia

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