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Ni-ki and I talked almost the whole night, until I got tired and told him I was going to sleep.

I hate this school. When the rumours spreaded around, they were quick to believe in it and judge me. But now, no one even dares to talk to me. No one apologized. It was like nothing happened at all.

I sat next to Soohee who had a huge smile on her face.

"What's up with you?" I ask.

"Oh nothing, just this!" she says, holding up a rose she was hiding behind her back.

"Okay, and?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean? Isn't this cute?" she says, smiling as she sways the rose around.

"You always get random gifts, what's new?" I chuckle.

"Well, this time it's a rose and!!" she says excitedly "it came with a letter"

"That's disgusting I'm not gonna lie"

"No it's pretty cute! Here let me read it, "Dear Soohee-""

"Nooooo" I say cutting her off "the 'dear' from the start is just a big no, do you even know who it came from?"

She shrugs. "I don't know, I just saw this on my table when I got here"

"It's the first time you became like this"

"Right?" she giggles.

"I thought you wouldn't date anyone?"

"Well this person couldn't just be anyone, you know"

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"Anyways" she says getting up "I'm going to use the bathroom, be back later" she says and got out.

I can't believe that girl. She receives a single rose and becomes a different person. Who could have given her that? Though I would say that person really is different, usually they would give Soohee chocolates.

I looked around the room trying to figure out who it was. Maybe they're here. My eyes landed on the boy sitting not far away from me, it couldn't be him, could it?

"Was it you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He looked around and pointed at himself.

"Yes, I'm talking to you"

"What? what did I do?" he asks.

"Are you the one who gave that to Soohee?"

He smirked. "What? no"

"Don't deny it"

He stretched out his arms and faked a yawn. "Oh wow I'm so tired, I'm going to rest" he says then lays his head down on the table.

I shake my head. Could it really be Jay?

I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Soohee messaged me.

It read 'hey, meet me at the garden'

I immediately got up, patting Jay's back on the way "good luck buddy" I say then head out.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket. I thought Soohee was just going to the bathroom? Why was she suddenly at the garden.

"Soohee- oh" I say as I realized it wasn't her that was sitting under the tree.

"Oh hey" he looks up at me with a smile.

"Why are you here?"

"Yeah uhm" he scratches his neck as he stands up.

I felt my phone vibrate again. It was Soohee. 'sorry~'

Soohee. I'm so confused. Her mind changes really quick. She could go from 'forget Ni-ki' to 'go on a date with him' in a split second.

"Sorry about that" Ni-ki says.

"It's fine" I say putting my phone where I just took it from. "Hey can I ask you something? Does Jay like Soohee?"

"Yeah looks like it" he chuckles "I don't know when or how either"

"Ah" I nod my head.

"Yena got expelled" he says.

"Yeah I know" I say laugh awkwardly "but thank you"

It was because of Ni-ki that Yena got caught. He was also suspicious of her. He invited her to the cafeteria, when Yena bought something she left her phone so he immediately opened it and saw all the messages and pages. He didn't even hesitate to bring the phone up to the office.

"No problem, I just wanted to help you" he smiled.

I stood there, awkwardly looking around. "Is there anything else cause umm I need to do something" I say trying to make up an excuse.

His mouth opened and closed. It looked like he wanted to say something but somehow couldn't say it.

"Okay looks like there's nothing else, bye" I quickly say then try to walk away but he held my arm.


"Yeah?" I say turning around to face him. His hands still holding my arm.

"Actually, I..."

I felt like any moment soon my heart was going to explode. It was beating so fast that it actually started to hurt.

"I uhmm..."

"Ni-ki, I don't have all the time in the world-"

"I like you"

I froze. Ni-ki was staring directly into my eyes. He took my hands in his.

"Luna, I like you, I don't know when or how but..."

I bit my lower lip. I didn't know what to feel. Those were the words I wanted to hear for the longest time.

"Ni-ki..." was all I could say, I didn't know what to say next.

"Luna I'm serious, I like you, I really do. I know I was such a jerk to you back then but I'm changing"

I could see that. I thought to myself.

I don't know what to say. A part of me still likes him but something is telling me that I shouldn't accept his confession. If you really look at it, he was the reason why all those stuff happened to me.

I slowly took my hands off of his. "Ni-ki, I'm sorry"

My heart broke into a million pieces when I said that. I turned my back on him and started to walk away.

"I'll wait!" he shouts, causing me to stop. "I'll wait until everything is fine again"

Out of my control, a small smile formed on my lips.

"Even if we have to start over again"


I wasn't able to attend school for 3 days. I felt sick and didn't have the energy to do anything. Luckily, my mom allowed me to miss out on school.

I'm fine now, though. School still felt like hell but not that much since Yena wasn't around.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized when I bumped into someone. I felt Soohee nudge my shoulder.

"No it's fine" he answers.

I looked up and my eyes met his. "By the way, I'm Ni-ki, you are?" he introduces himself.

"Luna" I smiled.

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