Chapter 3

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Crap, I forgot the cake! Kaya thought as she skidded to a stop. She didn’t want to go back and chance running into that stranger again. There was just something…off about him. She didn’t understand why he was so interested, or why he continued to call after her when she left. His eyes glaring into hers made chills run up her spine. No, she wouldn’t go back to the grocery store. She would just tell her mother that they were out of cake. Her mother would be angry, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

                She slowly drove back home, in no hurry to face her mother or her family. She hated this feeling. She felt like an outcast in her own family. Most of her mother’s side was scientists, Professors at well-known colleges like Harvard, or even authors. She was the disgrace to her family, she wanted to be a music teacher and, well, that wasn’t ‘smart’ enough in her mother’s eyes. If her mother had it her way, Kaya would be going to medical school right now. 

                She pulled up into the driveway, which was already filled with cars, and stepped out, taking a deep breath. Everything was going to be okay, or at least she hoped it was going to be.  Opening the front door she was met with her mother and aunt laughing over a bottle of wine. Great, the last thing she needed right now was her mother getting drunk. She rolled her eyes.

                “Weren’t you supposed to get the cake?” her mother asked, noticing her empty-handed daughter.

                “They were out. I’ll go back later when they’ve made new ones.” She lied, hoping her mother would believe her.

                “You really expect me to believe that crap?” her mother practically yelled at her. Kaya caught her breath and prepared herself for the worse. 

                “Okay there was this guy there who really freaked me out!” she blurted out. “He kept saying he knew me and when I left he wouldn’t stop calling my name!”

                “Sounds like he could’ve been one of them.” Her Aunt, Rosetta, said, smirking. Mutants can be such creeps. It’s probably best that you left.” Kaya felt her face getting hot with anger at her aunts hurtful words, but she kept her mouth shut. If she said anything, it could give her away, and she just couldn’t take that.

                “Well then, go back later when he’s not there.” Her mom said, waving her off and taking another sip of wine.  Kaya just nodded and made her way into the living room, where all of a sudden she heard  the purr of a motorcycle pull up. She peaked through the blinds only to see the mysterious man getting off of his motorcycle and walk towards the house! She quickly got up and ran outside, ignoring her Aunts and Mother’s calls behind her.

                “Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?” she snapped as soon as she stepped outside. The man smirked.

                “The name is Logan.” He answered, stopping before her. “And I’m here because Professor Xavier sent me here to get you.”

                “Shhh!” She said, afraid her mother would overhear. “Don’t say that name around this house.”

                “Why not?” he laughed, but stopped when he noticed Kaya was completely serious.

                “My family doesn’t know, okay?” she admitted, looking down at the grass. “And I don’t want them to know. They hate Mutants.”

                “Well then you should be glad the Professor wants you back.” He stated, taking out a cigar and lighting it. Kaya rolled her eyes and ripped the cigar from Logan’s mouth. “What the hell?” he snapped.

                “Mother has asthma, no smoking.” She lied. Truthfully, she hated the smell of smoke. “Why does the Professor want me anyway?” she asked, taking a seat on the porch steps. Her mind was spinning; it had been years since she had been the Professor’s student, why did he want her back all of a sudden? 

                “Magneto wants you.” He answered, taking a seat next to her. She did her best not to stare, she admitted he was pretty attractive, but she was still hesitant about him.

                “Who is Magneto?” she asked, looking over at him, confusion plastered on her face.

Before Logan was able to respond, Kaya’s mother interrupted them. “Kaya, who in the world is this and why is he sitting on my porch?”

                “He’s uh…” she tried to think quickly. “A friend.”

                “Names Logan.” He stood up and offered his hand, which her mother just looked at and then looked down at Kaya, who was slowly standing up as well.

                “A friend? Didn’t know you had any.” She laughed, and almost stumbled. Great, it wasn’t even four and she was drunk already.

                “Hey now.” Logan said, looking at the two of them.

                “He’s an old friend.” Kaya said, not letting it show that her mother’s cruel words hit close to home. The only real friend she had here was Juliana, and she was off at college right now, learning how to become a Veterinary Technician. “He needs a place to stay and so I offered our home, sorry for not letting you know sooner.” She stormed off into the house and Logan followed, looking back at her mother who was now smoking on the porch.

                “Asthma, huh?” he asked, pointing to her mom.

                “Oh shut it.” She snapped. “I hate the smell of smoke.”

                “You could’ve just said so.” He scoffed.

                “So, who is Magneto?” she asked when they reached her father’s old study. Her mother never came in here, so she often used it as her place to get away.

                “A Mutant bent on taking over mankind,” he answered, taking a seat on the sofa, “We think he wants you to join his Brotherhood and help spy for him.”

                “Why does Xavier want me back?” Kaya asked, sitting in her father’s office chair.

                “To protect you.”

                “Well I hate to burst his bubbles but I’m not going.” She said, looking Logan straight in the eyes. “My family doesn’t know I’m a Mutant, and telling them I’m going there would totally tip them off, and I really can’t have that.”

                “Well I’m not leaving until I can convince you to come along.” He said, leaning back with a smug look.

                “Then you’re going to be here a while.” She snapped. With that she left the room, slamming the door behind her.

What was she going to do now?

A Future Unkown: An X-Men Fanfiction.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ