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Cassiopeia is looking around nervously as everyone seems to be in their own conversation or dancing to the music

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Cassiopeia is looking around nervously as everyone seems to be in their own conversation or dancing to the music. She felt out of place and as she looked around, she found no one familiar. She had arrived with the girls, who had tried to stay with her as long as possible, but being dragged away from her at some point. She also hadn't seen Sirius since they arrived or any of the boys, who are probably in the crowd.

"Hey!" She turns and smiles softly as she is faced with Fabian Prewett, the Gryffindor Keeper. "You're Cassiopeia right? Mary's friend?"

"Uh, yes." She smiles softly, unsure of what to say or do.

"You seem a little uncomfortable, are you okay?" He asks and she smiles weakly. She takes a look around, wondering if he wasn't the only one who noticed how out place she is.

"I should be fine." She says trying to reassure him, not wanting him to worry about her.

"Do you want help finding Mary or anyone else?" Fabian asks and she shakes her head. The last thing she wanted, was to ruin the girl's night or anyone else.

"No. It's fine, I'll probably just head back to my room. If you could let them know." She smiles, making him nod. She walks passed him, pushing passed all the different people. As she makes her way towards the entrance, she glances over her shoulder to see that he already left and she sighs, before turning back around. As she does, she bumps into someone, making her take a step back.

"I'm so sorry." She says weakly, making the person who she bumped into smile softly and shake their head.

"Don't worry about it. Where you going in such a hurry? You're not leaving are you?" The girl asks and Cassiopeia gets flustered, feeling bad for leaving.

"It's getting late, I should get back to my room." Cassiopeia says shyly and the girl looks at her in confusion.

"But the rooms are that direction." The girl says as she nods in the direction in which Cassiopeia comes from. It then dawns on the Gryffindor girl, that she wasn't talking to a fellow Gryffindor. "You're not a Gryff! Merlin's beard, what house are you? Don't say Slytherin, you don't seem like one anyway."

"Ravenclaw." Cassiopeia hums, making the girl look at her in interest.

"What's a Ravenclaw doing here? Aren't you guys always too busy studying?" The girl asks, making Cassiopeia feel a little annoyed by the girl. Was that the image everyone had of her and her fellow Ravenclaws, too busy studying to have fun.

"I'm friends with Marlene, Lily and the whole lot." Cassiopeia says in frustration. Not many things annoyed her, but when it came to people assuming and degrading others because of status or house, she could get tempted to use an unforgivable.

"No way! Ravenclaws seem way to uptight to hang out with that crowd." The girl snickers, making Cassiopeia huff. She's about to say something snarky in response, but she feels a presence behind her and the girl smirks. "Sirius! We were just talking about you!"

"I'm flattered. I hope you're not bothering her." Sirius says and Cassiopeia relaxes a bit, knowing that she finally had someone familiar near her. 

"Oh, you know. Just the usual. Anyway, I'll leave you two. I'm going to refill on the firewhisky." The girl says excitedly, before leaving and Sirius moves to take her place in front of Cassiopeia.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks and she smiles softly.

"Yeah. I'm just heading back to my room." She says and he frowns, shaking his head.

"What, but it just started." He says and she shrugs shyly.

"I'm sorry. I really would rather to go back to my room." She says, and he sighs, nodding understandingly.

"Okay. If you want to leave that's fine, but please, let's not end the night already." He says softly and she looks at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asks and he smirks as an idea comes to him.

"We could go on a walk, I know this really nice place." He says, causing her to frown.

"But the party? Shouldn't you stay? Celebrate your best friend's win?" She asks and he chuckles as he shakes his head, he looks at something passed her.

"Don't worry. I think he's more preoccupied with Lily than my whereabouts." He says teasingly, making her glance over her shoulder to see James and Lily dancing, making her smile softly. "So, what do you say? We take a longer route to your room?"

"Okay." She smiles as she looks back up at him and he grins. He offers his hand and something in her tells her that the moment she accepts it, her whole world will be changed. She smiles and takes it, making him lead her out of the Gryffindor Common Room. He leads her down the halls of the castle, a chill running up her arms as a breeze passes through. The night sky is sparkling with stars and the moon is the only source of light. It was obvious, they were up way past the curfew. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see. I promise I won't murder you." He says teasingly, making her blush and smile as she shakes her head.

"That's reassuring." She hums, making him chuckle. She felt carefree as they walked through the hallways, hand in hand. He leads her through a door, that leads them outside the castle. She had never seen that door before, and she wondered how he knew about it. He leads her down towards a tree and there they stop. She takes a look around and smiles as she realises from here they have a perfect of the Black Lake and the mountains. The mountains separated the night sky and the lake, the moon reflecting in the lake's waves. Sirius glances down at her and smiles as he sees her look of awe.

"Beautiful right?" He hums, making her grin as she looks up at him and nods.

"Truly. I'd love to come one night and just paint this. But I wouldn't be able to even make it justice." She breaths out and he shakes his head.

"I doubt that. I'll have to see those paintings one day." He muses and she blushes softly at the thought. She only ever showed her paintings to Andromeda, Ted and the girls, so the thought of showing him made her both nervous and excited.

"Maybe, one day."

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