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Cassiopeia walks through the door of the house, smiling as she hears the sound of footsteps running down the stairs

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Cassiopeia walks through the door of the house, smiling as she hears the sound of footsteps running down the stairs. She had decided to come visit during the weekend and take a moment away from the chaos that is Hogwarts. The footsteps soon approach and arms wrap around her hips. She giggles and leans down to hug the little girl.

"Cassie! You're back! I missed you so much." The purple haired little girl squeals in excitement, making Cassiopeia grin, before pulling away.

"I missed you too, Dora." Cassiopeia hums, just as Nymphadora's parents join them in the hallway, with happy smiles.

"Cassie, welcome home." Ted Tonks greets her as they give each other a quick hug.

"Ugh, it feels like an eternity since I've last seen you. But it's only been a month. I hope you have endless stories to tell." Andromeda says as she pulls the girl into a bone crushing hug.

"Knowing her, probably not." Ted says teasingly, making Cassiopeia playfully glare at him as Andromeda lets go of her.

"You know what, you'd be surprised actually. A lot has happened in the last two weeks." Cassiopeia says proudly, making Andromeda grin excitedly.

"Merlin's beard! Come tell me all about it." Andromeda says as she leads Cassiopeia to the living room. Ted chuckles as he and Nymphadora follow them. Andromeda and Cassiopeia sit on the long sofa, while Nymphadora sits on the Ravenclaw's lap, leaving the other sofa for Ted.

"Lily and James are finally together." Cassiopeia starts off, making Andromeda grin happily.

"Took them long." Ted chuckles, making Cassiopeia nod in agreement.

"And because of that, I've been dragged into meeting James and his friends." Cassiopeia and Andromeda's eyes widen in realisation, before a wide grin settles on her face.

"You met Sirius! This is so exciting! How was it? Do you like him? Does he like you? Are two friends now? Or do you hate each other, I hope you don't. I'd hate for my favourite cousin and best friend to hate each other." Andromeda pouts at the end, making Cassiopeia shake her head with a wide grin.

"I like him. And I think he likes me. I mean he hasn't shown signs of hating me." Cassiopeia explains, and Andromeda beams happily.

"That's great. I mean, why wouldn't he like you. You're an amazing person." Ted points out and she blushes softly, beaming happily at him.

"I can't explain how happy I am. We should invite him for dinner one day. He's staying with James now isn't he?" Andromeda asks, making Cassiopeia nod in confirmation. "I need more details."

"Well, after meeting the boys. They asked me to come watch James' play Quidditch. Then, Sirius invited me to the after party, but it wasn't very fun, so we ended up going on a walk together. Also, he wants me to make him portrait." Cassiopeia says briefly, making them gape at her in shock.

"You went to a party?" Andromeda asks in disbelief.

"You went to a Quidditch match?" Ted asks, equally as shocked as his wife.

"You guys make me sound like I don't have a life." Cassiopeia chuckles, making Andromeda smile innocently.

"Darling, I love you. But you don't." Andromeda says, making Cassiopeia glare at her playfully.

"So are you in love with Sirius?" Nymphadora asks, making Cassiopeia's eyes widen and the little girl's parents snicker in amusement.

"No, Dora. I'm not. He's just a friend. And I barely know him. So let's not get any ideas." Cassiopeia says pointedly.

"How did you end up at the party and the Quidditch match?" Ted asks curiously and a blush forms on Cassiopeia's cheeks. She knows the moments she tells them, they'll either start teasing her or start overreacting.

"Sirius convinced me." She mumbles, but unfortunately the two heard her and Andromeda smirks.

"Cassiopeia Black. Yup, that's it. You're going to be my Cousin in law! I don't care if it's not a thing. I'm making it a thing, right now." Andromeda states firmly, making Cassiopeia blush furiously.

"This is going to be her first boyfriend, Dromeda. They grow up so fast." Ted wipes away fake tears, making Cassiopeia groans as Nymphadora giggles.

"Shut it, you two. He just wants me to try and get out of my comfort zone that's all." Cassiopeia says, making Ted raise an eyebrow.

"But he's not forcing you do something you don't want, right?" Andromeda asks in protective manner, making Cassiopeia shake her head.

"Oh, no. He's been very nice and patient with me. Don't worry." She assures them and they both relax.

"Good. And if he hurts you in anyway, I don't care that he's my cousin. I will curse him." Andromeda says firmly and Cassiopeia shakes her with in amusement. "But, other than that. I'm so happy for you."

"Now, I don't know about you, ladies. But I'm starving."

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