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Cassiopeia pulls her robes close as she walks across the grass towards the small hut outside of the castle

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Cassiopeia pulls her robes close as she walks across the grass towards the small hut outside of the castle. The hut was owned by the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, Rubeus Hagrid, mostly called Hagrid by everyone. Cassiopeia would sometimes go visit him, interested to learn more about the different creatures he would take under his care. Hagrid had informed her that he had gotten Thestral under his care, being the first born in the forest. She knocks on the door, making it swing open to reveal the half-giant, who towers over the petit Ravenclaw.

"Cassie! Glad you could make it, come on in." Hagrid moves aside and lets her in, making her smile gratefully. He leads her to where the table is and she sits down. "How have you been little one?"

"Just fine. How about you?" She asks as he goes to the fire and pulls out the kettle, before bringing it back and pouring tea in a cup for her. She smiles gratefully as she takes it, blowing softly on the boiling liquid.

"Same as always. You're quite the talk nowadays. Spending time with the Marauders." Hagrid says as he sits across from her and she chuckles softly, blushing slightly. "I must admit I never expected to hear something like that."

"Makes two of us, but you know how Lily and Marlene can be. They really wanted me to meet them, and when I did, I suppose I grew to like them." She shrugs with a sheepish smile and he chuckles.

"Especially Sirius Black, I see. He was your date to the Winter Ball, if I'm right." He muses and she nods in confirmation.

"Quite right. He asked me and I couldn't say no. He is very charming." She giggles, making him hum in agreement.

"Just be careful, Cassiopeia. I don't want to see you hurt." He says worriedly and she shakes her head reassuringly.

"I'll be fine, Hagrid. Now will you show me the Thestral?" She asks excitedly, making him chuckle slightly as he stands up and walks up to a basket on the side. He picks up a bundle of blankets and brings it to her. "Oh, he is beautiful. Have you named him already?"

"Of bloody course! This is little Tenebrus." Hagrid says, making Cassiopeia smile happily. He puts him back in the basket, to let it rest. "Once he's more grown I'll let him run freely in the forest."

"Will you be sure you'll be okay with letting him go? I know how attached you can get." Cassiopeia asks in worry and he waves her off.

"Don't worry about good old me. Anyway, tomorrow the winter holidays start. You got any plans?" Hagrid asks, making Cassiopeia shake her head in denial.

"Not really. I'll go back to Ted and Dromeda. And then come back after Christmas." She shrugs making him.

"Well, are you ready for your N.E.W.T.s? You better be, I'd love to have you come here and work as Potions Professor. It would be fun." Hagrid beams happily and she giggles, nodding in agreement.

"It would be indeed. I think I'm ready. But at the same time I'm sort of dreading post Hogwarts life. I mean, what if I don't see my friends again or things like that?" She huffs sadly and he shakes his head.

"Don't think that, little one. I'm certain you lot will stick together till death." Hagrid says reassuringly, making her smile fondly. "Especially you and the girls. After seven beautiful years, you five will stick together and same goes for the boys, those four are now inseparable, I believe."

"I truly hope you're right. It would break my heart if something happened to our friendship." Cassiopeia hums, before looking up at Hagrid. "What of the war? How is that going?"

"You shouldn't worry too much about it." Hagrid says, making her shake her head.

"How can I not, it took my father's life. Had it not been for the Dark Lord, he'd still be here." Cassiopeia says sadly and Hagrid gives her a weak smile. Her biological father, had died when she was much younger by the hands of a Death Eater, simply because he had fallen in love with a muggle and had a child with the muggle. "I think I'm going to join the Order after."

"Cassie, I don't know. I don't want you to get hurt." Hagrid says softly making her huff.

"I can take care of myself, Hagrid."

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