1.3 meeting part two

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questioned Gojo.

Sitting across from the cursed user, Gojo balanced on a lone hand while the other pointed at the old user. You couldn't see his eyes, but the cursed user could feel the baby blues staring into his soul, dissecting him and analyzing the situation.

The cursed user swallowed, throat swollen from the tension and scratchy. This was the worst situation he could find himself in, and he resented Death for leaving him there. Maybe, had she stayed, he would have had a chance to live.

"Gojo Satoru, this is a surprise. What are you doing in Nagana?" He asks.

Gojo leans on his hand more, waving his other in a similar manner to how Death had just mere minutes before, "oh, you know, exorcism, getting rid of curses, you know how it is." He jesters vaguely around. "You didn't answer my questions though...What's a dead cursed user doing here and who, was that woman?"

He gulped again, "I had someone help faking my death" he answered the first question, ignoring the latter one.

Gojo chuckled, "ora ora...I already knew that, tell me something I don't know! This is getting boring!" The cursed user breathed deeply. He knew he was going to die, the question for himself, was if he was going to stay loyal or not.

"Let me ask you a question, Gojo-san, have you heard about Death before?"

Tilting his head as if to ponder the question, Gojo let his six eyes roam over the user. This was not the way he thought this meeting was going to go.

Gojo had originally come to Nagana to exorcise some small level two curses and to see about the rumor of a dead cursed user being alive, but he was now following a folklore story told to children. Death was but a whisper in the Jujutsu community. A story the elders told when they had too much sake, one that had been passed down for hundreds of years, if not thousands.

Death was a deadly and beautiful woman. Known only for her striking red hair and powerful ability that allowed her to control others. She was rumored to create contracts with curses and humans alike to do her bidding. There was even a rumor she was behind some of the greatest catastrophes that had ever happened. She seduced people to their death in the stories told, a spirit that did what she wanted and got exactly what she desired. It was all hearsay.

"Hmm, I've heard about her, but she's just a legend. Are you trying to tell me that was Death?" He asked the older man coyly.

"Yes. It was." Responded the cursed user, he drank from his now cool tea.

Gojo laughed at this, "wow! I can't believe I just barely missed Death!"

"She's the one that saved me from my own death, spared me when the sorcerers wouldn't."

"Sounds like a real winner! But why would she leave you here then, when she knows I'm going to kill you?"

The cursed user breathed in again, shaking his head to himself. "Death didn't want to meet you yet. She told me to hide my presence but I didn't."

Gojo hmmed to himself, stroking his chin. "Sounds like she cares about you!"

Smiling slightly, he responded "in her own way, she did. We would play shogi together in the park each Sunday."

"That's pretty cute! Do you know if she's single?" Gojo asks.

It's a pretty obvious way to ask if she was affiliated with any groups.

"No, she prefers the simple life. She doesn't want to get caught up in 'drama,' as she says."

"Ah, that's too bad. It would be fun if she was." Tutting, Gojo leans forwards. "Now, shall we take this outside so we don't bloody this cute cafe?"

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