1.2 meeting

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IT WAS SUDDEN, like a storm.

The gossip between the curses who could communicate spread the rumor about a certain young man like wild fire. No human had attempted to eat one of Sukuna's fingers before and had succeeded. Some sorcerers had tried before, but it all ended in failure and the creation of a special grade curse.
The fact that a high schooler, with no cursed energy had, and succeeded, was huge.

Whispers filled her ears in early September of the story of Itadori. A brave and stupid child who got himself caught up in the world of Jujutsu. It was almost funny how crazed the unground world of curses went.
The first real description of the story was told to her by an elderly cursed user while playing shogi.

"Ma'am, I'm sure you've heard the news by now." Croaked the man. He sat adjacent to her via the wooden table in the park. Slumped towards the black and white board with a large scarf hiding the lower part of his face. He was dressed in a heavy coat dispute the warmer weather and a paper boys hat covered his curly white hair.
Looking up, he peaked over his dark sunglasses to look at the being in front of him.

Death wore simple clothes. Wide legged jeans graced her hips and a loose white button up revealed a peak of [skin color] breasts, giving a casual classy yet seductive appearance to the woman. Her red hair flowed in a braid over her shoulder and she tilted her head to look over her own circular sunglasses at the cursed user.
"You're talking about Sukuna's vessel, aren't you?"

The older user looked around vaguely, to see if anyone was listening. They weren't. The park was quiet and serene to the two souls.

"Yes...Satoru Gojo took him in."
"Hmm, so that means his going to be with the sorcerers then."
"Apparently, he can keep Sukuna back without trouble. He's eaten two fingers now and will continue to look for them."
"Good to know, I'll stay away from any fingers then" she had a coy smile on her lips.
"Ma'am...Death, they're going to be on the lookout for higher grade curses now. There's been a lot of movement due to Sukuna's vessel appearing." It was a warning.

Death only smiled again in response. She appreciated the user, he had watched out for her in the past and continued to do so.

"Tell me more about this Itadori, he seems like an interesting man."
"He's 15 and now in Tokyo, extremely athletic and has unnatural strength and endurance that's not from cursed energy. It's remarkable from what I've heard."
She hmms at him.
"He's the only child and now is in custody of Gojo-san due to his Grandpa passing away right before he ate the finger. From the whispers, he's rather simple and optimistic, a young and bright soul."

"How funny it is that he's stuck with Sukuna then. Sukuna's always been a brat and an idiot. Makes sense that he'd get stuck with another idiot." She replies while moving her golden pawn.

Laughing, she turns her head to user.
"It's almost exciting enough to make me wanna play."
Chills roll down the cursed users spine.

Death isn't known for being active. She's an elder cursed spirit known as the Queen of Curses for a reason. There's only rumors of rumors of when she was active. Thousands of years ago, Death played part in millions of deaths globally through various plagues and playing with humans minds to turn them on one another. She wasn't direct as she hated her hands bloodied, she preferred to stay on the sidelines and watch others do the work for her, acting as a puppeteer and only briefly used her cursed energy to command others to do her bidding.
It was terrifying.

Gulping, he asks, "...are you coming out of retirement then?"

Death only responds with a small sharp smile and moves her king to win the game.


They grab tea afterwards.

Death blows slowly on the cup as they sit in a small cafe within the city of Nagana. It's a private cafe that she's been coming to for roughly two years that's know for its delicious teas and light and fluffy cakes.

Take a bite of her strawberry shortcake, she draws her eyes up to the hidden cursed user. The older man feels tense, the heaviness of their game weighing on him.

"Are you going to kill me?"
"...No, I actually appreciate your company. Not many humans can play shogi with me, pet."

He gulps his tea, "is there something I can help you with?"
"Yes, there's a man that's going to come through the door in two minutes. You need to mask your presence as much as you can."
Wide eyed, he stares at her.
"Gojo-san will be able to tell you're a cursed user otherwise and kill you. I'd prefer if you didn't die."

The air was charged as they locked eyes. Was this planned? He thinks.

"And before you ask, no, it wasn't planned. I would had preferred not meeting Gojo-san for at least another couple of months, but if you hide yourself I believe we'll be fine." She eats another bite.
"W-what is he doing here?! He's never come to Nagana before!" His hands are shaking.

Sighing, Death waves her hand around vaguely. "Probably a curse? I'm not sure, you should really reign it in now."

The cursed user holds his breath as the bell jingles in the cafe. The charged air becomes heavy with the presence of literally, the most powerful sorcerers arrival.
Light footsteps go to the counter and the white haired sorcerer begins talking with the server while the older man sweats.

Death shakes her head and sigh, she locks eyes once again before standing and whispering; "it was nice knowing you," before departing silently.

A mere 30 seconds later the legendary Gojo Satoru sits in her spot, leaning on his hand while a blindfolded stare replaces Deaths own.
"So what's a supposedly dead cursed user doing alive?" Before the old man can respond, Gojo holds up a finger and continues, "and who, was that beautiful woman with you?"


Here's a short mini chapter/part with the introduction of Gojo 🥰
The old cursed user is just an OC that's not actually important, but I I'll talk about him a bit more in the next mini part! There will be only one or two more parts in chapter 1 before we dive into meeting Itadori himself + the gang!

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