1. before

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*spoilers for manga in chapter relating to Geto

It's a balance act that everything thing, living or not, goes through and experiences. It's something that's necessary, that's undeniable and that's unescapable.
That's why she was born.

By far the most deep fear that humans have is that of death. The unknown. The mystical afterlife that they can only ponder about.
Humans often flock to a god or gods to find comfort in death, but the unknown always win.
Fear is part of the human condition and Mahito would know that better than most, but not more than she.

While Sukuna was the God of Curses, she could be considered the Goddess.
Those dumb Jujutsu sorcerers knew about her, but even their ancient books had little on her. She was proud of the fact that she stayed hidden away, like the dirty secret she was.
She was a whisper amongst the curses and a nightmare to others. They knew she was there, but she stayed far away and preferred to keep away from all the drama that happened in the world.
That's part of how she stayed alive so long anyway, not that it mattered since she was on par with Sukuna.

In fact, she had Sukuna had a long and complicated past. One could even call them star crossed lovers, but she liked the modern term, "fuck buddies" more.
But that had ended over a thousand years ago and now she had several cats and plants that depended on her, funny how that works.


Her reemergence into the Jujutsu world happened when a young man named Geto stumbled her way after taking over a cult and deserting his previous home.
They talked for hours about the world and how terrible things were.
They talked for hours about how curses were getting stronger in tdangatum to their sorcerer counterparts.
They talked about how everything was going to end. It was almost romantic.

He spewed poetry about how corrupt and stupid the elders were, how everything isn't as black and white as the sorcerers believed. That things needed to change. That humans were the problem, the root of all evil, literally. Without non-sorcerers, there would be no more curses created and things would become equal. There would be no need to protect the weak who turn on each other.

She listened in a small coffee shop to him write allegories to her, speaking as if she was his muse.
The way he linked words together to spin his tale was bewitching, but she hadn't been alive as long as she had to let him convince her just then.
"Will you help me?" He asks.

Humming, Death looks at her companion, weighing the scales before her.
It's a tempting offer, ending non-sorcerers, ending everything.
She'd been alive for too long and it had been boring for far too long.
Slowly taking a sip of her coffee, she slides her eyes up into his hypnotic ones.

"Come talk to me in about ten years and I'll think about it. If you're alive anyway."

And that was that.

He slipped a number he way and left until the summer of 2018.

The elders and main branch of Jujutsu didn't catch wind of the meeting, but it had done its damage within the realm of curses to see Death walking around them.
Soon, word would spread out that Death was alive. It took several more years for the word to spread to the world of Jujutsu, and even more for her to catch the eye of a certain Gojo.

Looking back on the meeting, Death couldn't decided what was better, coming out or staying away. From a single meeting during a visit to the city for coffee, her normal life was destroyed and her name was used as juicy gossip between lost spirits and curses. It took away her normalcy and comfort, it made her have to put up more wards to keep away unexpected guests, like sorcerers, but it also let her meet a white haired man and his companions a dozen or so years later.

The life that was slowly taken away from her, was simple, just like herself.

She'd wake up, feed her cats and plants, workout and then take a long bath before diving into old texts gathered from thousands of years on earth. Books covered any and all subjects, and if there was one thing Death liked to be, it was knowledgable. Then, she may go and play shogi with old men in the small local park, maybe take a walk in the forest before retiring home and watching tv.
Modern times were all about entertainment anyway.

She could be out murdering, doing whatever special rank cursed spirits were supposed to be doing, but she found it more enjoyable to laze around and simply stay away. Plus, she got her fill of humans and the world through trash Tv.

Early summer of 2018 changed that though.


Short chapter! I'll probably add more to this later since I'm not super happy with it, but I had an accident with my computer yesterday that's making it hard to write rn! I accidentally spilled water all over it and most likely fried it, so I'll have to try to write on my phone / edit / rewrite ;;^;;
I'll attempt to rework/do the next chapter soon!

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