2.2 mahito

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It was completely different from Nagana and a cesspool of human emotions that left a bitter taste on Death's tongue.

It wasn't like she really wanted to come here, she was just following the volcano curse.

Not like she was curious or anything.

It had now been two days since her initial encounter with Gojo and she found herself walking around aimlessly. She knew she was letting others cloud her decisions, but she couldn't help herself.

It was the most exciting thing that had happened to her in hundreds, if not a thousand years.

Two days previously, a curse had whispered to her that Idatori Yuji had died, but that wasn't correct.

She could feel the pull of his spirit on this earth and knew that he still was alive.

Thus, another reason for her visit to Tokyo.

She had to have her reasons.

So here she was, looking for some mysterious "religious" school and a tall white haired man.

As she had told her previous companion, rest in peace to the old curse user, she hadn't planed on meeting Gojo so early or really interacting with the Jujutsu world, but things had changed. She found herself drawn to him and even more so to the prospect of meeting a certain young man who held her old lover friend.

After watching people from a cafe for most of the day, sipping on an iced latte, she notices a certain being that shouldn't be there.

Stepping into the crowd, she lands a hand on a tall shoulder, pulling him into her direction.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere else?" She asks him.

Glancing behind him, Mahito looks at the short woman.

Standing before him is what appears to be a beautiful petite woman. Long red hair parts in a braid over her shoulder, a crisp white blouse does nothing to hide her large chest, especially with a black tie resting atop of them. Long black trousers accent her legs and he thinks he can make out heels.

A Jujutsu sorcerer? What my luck!

"Why hello, you shouldn't be able to see me," he smiles while putting his hand down on her shoulder in attempt to mess with her soul.

But as soon as he reaches out to her soul, his world is spun into darkness.

"Didn't your elders ever tell you not to look into a woman's soul?"

Questions a voice in the darkness.

He completely alone in the abyss.

Frantically, he turns, heterochromia eyes searching for the source. But there's nothing.

It's nothing like infinite, it's nothing at all.

It's blank, dark, and he can't feel anything.

"Who's there?!" He albeit shouts into the void.

"Ora, ora! What is Getou thinking, sending you out without telling you anything. You should pick better fish, young one." He glances up, finally, a spotlight in the darkness.

Mahito jogs to the light, reaching outward and stretching his soul to grasp it.

"Now, now, that's rather impolite, why don't you introduce yourself?" Says the voice.

He's near the light now, frantic, desperate, is this what death is like? He thinks to himself.

"Yes," replies the voice, "but if I was to actually kill you, I wouldn't tease you like this."

The voice cuts into his thinking. Suddenly, a hand grasps his own and he looks into yellow swirling eyes that seem to hold the void within them.

"Welcome to my domain, would you like to make a deal?" She asks.

No longer is the woman in a suit, rather, she's in a long an elegant black dress. The red hair shines in the darkness, like it's made of blood.

"W-what's happening?" He asks her.

"Simple, you made a mistake, but I'll let you live if you make a deal with me." She states, still holding his hand. It's the one thing he can feel.

Mahito flings himself back, his soul changes shape and his feet are now those of a horse. The hoofs barely stay within the light and Death chuckles at him.

"No need to be so skittish, I haven't even hurt you." Death approaches him and in her hand is a chain.

Where did the chain come from?

He follows it from her elegant hands to its origin and somehow, it's sprouting from his chest, from his soul.

It's something like a religious picture. A ruined man cursed spirit, stuck on the abyss while what appears to be an angel reaches out to him. Light pours around her and graces her, ethereal with her golden eyes gleaming at him and a sly smile on her lips. She basks in the light while Mahito drags himself to the edge of the darkness in fear.

But unlike most heavenly depictions on angels, this one is holding a chain attached to his neck and it's tight.

It tugs him back into the center near her. His horse legs drag against the absent floor, is there a floor in this space? He can't tell but his hooves can't gain traction against the harsh grip of Death.

"Now, all I want is for you to say you owe me...and I'll let you go back to whatever you were doing." She smiles as one hand reaches to holds his hand and the other wrapped around the chain connecting them.

"I won't harm your soul at all and you'll be free to do whatever."

Getou said nothing about Death, nothing about a woman with bright red hair and sunlight eyes. Nothing about her honey-cherry voice charming him and definitely nothing about the blackness of her domain.

He thinks for a minute, she obviously has the upper hand and he has yet to experiment with his domain. Undoubtedly, he would lose if he tried to fight her.

"Okay, but only if you promise we can fight later on," it sounds like a good deal to him. Fighting Death after he practices on a few sorcerers? After Halloween?

"Perfect, we have a contract." She smiles, it's sinister, and puts both of her hands against his face.

For once in this whole experience within her domain, Mahito feels warmth, true warmth.

It's like a soft radiance, warming his soul and he swears her eyes sparkle before he's back in Tokyo, and Death is nowhere to be seen.

About a mile south, close to Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, Death yawns and stretches.

"Hmm, not what I was expecting, but it never hurts to have another cursed spirit on my side." She whispers to herself before sitting on a bench just outside of the barrier. "Doesn't hurt they never ask what they owe me."


Somewhere inside the High School, Gojo moves his head up in the direction of Death.

He pats Itadori on the back before standing while '500 Days of Summer' plays in the background. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is saying some line about The Smiths.

"Huh? Gojo-sensei, what's u-?!" The bear punches him and Gojo snickers while covering his mouth.

"Aw man, I had a good streak going!" Itadori places both hands on the doll and pouts at his teacher. "But seriously, what's up?"

Gojo stands tall before the teenager, looking towards the stairs before grinning at him, "gotta go invite a friend in! I think you'll like her, same with Sukuna!"

As Gojo disappears, Itadori scratches his cheeks and wonders, what's up with him?


Sorry about the wait!! The holidays are always busy and then I had some stuff come up, but I'm super pumped about introducing Death to Itadori/Sukuna!! Plus, we're at the school now! How exciting!!

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