chapter thirteen

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Harry woke to Draco's face nuzzling his neck. His arms were wrapped tightly around him, preventing Harry from leaving the bed. Carefully, Harry tried to unwrap Draco's arms from his waist, but they tightened instinctively and his eyes opened.

"Five more minutes, Harry," Draco grumbled groggily.

"We've got classes today, Draco!" Harry said, trying desperately to wriggle out of the blond's arms.

"What classes? It's Saturday!" protested Draco.

"It is?" Harry asked stupidly. Draco merely laughed at him.

"Yes, now go back to sleep," he said, kissing Harry on the nose endearingly. Harry complied, his eyes slowly sliding shut.


Harry woke again to bright light pouring in through the large window and banging on the portrait outside. Sitting up, he tugged on his boyfriend's arm.

"Draco! Someone's trying to get in!" Harry said, pulling Draco into a sitting position.

"Huh? Who?" the blond asked. Harry all but jumped out of bed, creeping towards the door with his wand at the ready.

"Oi, genius! You forgot your glasses, and me for that matter!" Draco called.

"Be quiet, Malfoy!" he hissed, snatching his glasses from the nightstand. The blond smirked at the use of his last name and got up to follow Harry. The portrait swung open to reveal a Hermione that was red in the face. Harry stowed his wand away and smiled uncertainly at her.

"Hermione! What's up?" he said in an attempt to act casual. Hermione rolled her eyes, but there was a bright grin on her face.

"The cure is ready!" she exclaimed. Harry and Draco gasped.

"They said it would take at least another month..." Draco said, unsure.

"Well, while Slughorn was testing out new ingredients to substitute the old plant, he stumbled across a combination that brewed quicker than he could have ever hoped for!" Hermione said, her eyes all but shining with happiness. "I've been asked to send for you!"

"How do we know it's safe?" Harry said skeptically.

"They aren't going to give you a potion that hasn't been tested, Harry! They performed spells on it to see if there were any dangers."

Harry made to grab Draco's hand, before remembering Hermione's presence. Draco must have noticed the movement because he frowned deeply.

"Alright. Let's go, Potter." Harry winced at hearing his last name leaving Draco's mouth.

The two walked to Slughorn's office and knocked on the door. It opened, and Slughorn's large belly poked out.

"Boys! It's so good to see you! Come in!" he said cheerfully. The boys sat themselves down on the couch as Slughorn went to fetch the antidote.

"Draco... are you mad at me?" Harry said in a small voice.

"No, Harry," the blond sighed. "It's just... hiding our relationship is going to be a little harder than I thought."

Harry pouted a little. Draco leaned in to kiss it away but snapped his head back when he heard Slughorn approaching them. The professor had two vials and gave one to Harry and Draco.

"Drink it," he said. "And tell me if you feel any kind of pain."

Harry and Draco paused.

"I thought these had been tested?" Harry asked.

Slughorn had the decency to look abashed. "Well... it isn't a hundred percent safe."

"You mean to say you're making us your lab rats?" Harry growled. Draco put a soothing hand on Harry's back, making the brunet flinch. Draco's hand stiffened, and dropped down into his lap.

"Please, Harry, try to understand. This could be your only chance of getting separated."

Harry sighed, looking at Draco. The veela was looking away from him pointedly. He had already drained his cup.

Harry tilted his head back and let the cold liquid rush down his throat. He slammed the cup back on the table.

"Well, I'll be going then," Harry said. He stood up and made to leave. He made it to the door before he felt the sensation of his abdomen being ripped open, and dropped ceremoniously to the floor.



Harry stirred, waking up for the third time that day. Draco sat on a chair by him looking anxious and pale. He almost sobbed with relief when Harry came to.

"Why do you always have to be so dramatic, Potter?" Draco said, rushing forwards and crushing Harry's head to his chest.

"Me?" Harry squeaked, pulling back to look Draco in the eye. "You're the one who-"

"Harry! So glad to see you're awake!" he heard the familiar voice of the Headmistress call out. The curtains around his bed were pulled back to reveal her and Slughorn looking wary but cheerful.

"How have you been, Harry?" the Potions Master asked tentatively. Harry gave him a warm smile.

"I mean, I just had my stomach ripped open, but I think I've had worse," he said dryly.

"Harry, we have some things we need to tell you," McGonagall said, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"You know very well by now that Draco is a Veela," she started wearily. "And those Veelas have mates."

Harry caught on quickly. "I'm his mate?" he exclaimed. Draco winced at the tone of his voice.

The Headmistress nodded, looking into Harry's eyes. "The good thing about this situation is that you have to option to reject being Draco's mate and leave him to find someone else. But the reason the bond made you stay together was because of the potion."

"So it wasn't the Oath of Pain?" Harry asked. She shook her head.

"No. Although the infusion of wormwood and crushed unicorn horns played a part in creating the potion, they didn't create the potion we thought they had," she explained.

"They created a different kind of bonding potion, Harry. One which forced a Veela and their mate to be together. It only worked if the two had not already been, uh, mated, you could say," Slughorn said. "They used it in the old ages to force a Veela's intended to bond with them."

"We've already injected the antidote into both of your systems, and we'll leave the choice up to you, Harry," McGonagall said.

The two left, and Harry turned to Draco.

"How come you're alright?" he asked.

"Veelas heal more quickly the wizards," Draco said simply. "So, will you?"

"Will I what?" Harry asked in an attempt to play dumb.

"Will you be my mate?" Draco asked impatiently.

Harry opened his mouth and closed it again. "Well, what would that entail, exactly?"

"Well, we'd be bound together and feel each other's emotions," Draco explained. "A bonding is for life, so we wouldn't ever be able to separate. And once you die, I die with you."

At this, Harry's eyes widened.

"I- I think..."

just a personal thing but i'd say fuck no 🤡
anyways vote and comment atayayayyayay

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