chapter three

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Harry and Malfoy walked side by side besides Professor Sprout. She led them to the Headmistress' study. He shared so many memories in that study...

"Harry, suffering like this proves you are still a man! This pain is part of being human-"


A delicate instrument flung across the room, shattering against the wall. But Dumbledore still wouldn't flinch.


"Boys," said Professor Sprout. They had arrived. She turned to the gargoyles. "Minotaur."

The gargoyles stepped aside, and the staircase leading to the Headmistress' appeared. The boys hurriedly walked behind Professor Sprout, and she rapped lightly on the door.

"Thank you, Pomona!" came a muffled voice from inside. "Please come inside, boys."

The boys entered the office and were met with a stern-looking Professor McGonagall sitting behind her desk. The blank portrait of Albus Dumbledore was behind her.

Harry noticed that she avoided their eyes as she sat down in front of her. "Please take a seat."

She wrung her hands together on her desk, and Harry braced himself for the bad news.

"It's about the cure," she started. "It... is going to be delayed."

"Delayed?!" Malfoy exclaimed, leaning forward in his seat, outraged. "What do you mean delayed? How much longer do you need? You said it'd take a month!"

"Well... one of the plants needed for the cure has... proven rather difficult to find... impossible even. They're saying a chance it went extinct long ago," she winced as if the news was painful to tell. "I'm sorry boys. Professor Slughorn is looking for a substitute, but we do not know how long it will take."

Harry groaned and buried his head in his hands. "So, we'll be stuck like this? Forever?"

But Malfoy wasn't listening. "This is ridiculous! There's no way something like this hasn't happened before, why don't you have the antidote as a precaution for Merlin's sake? Why allow us to make Veritaserum in the first place?"

McGonagall looked at him pitifully. "We weren't expecting for eighth year students to be so incapable that they couldn't read a board."

"So, this is our fault, is it?" Malfoy snarled.

"Yes, it is, Mr. Malfoy!" McGonagall snapped, shutting the blonde boy up. "It was your job to be careful, and now you've landed yourself in this mess! We are trying to help you, so I'd appreciate some respect!"

Malfoy hung his head in what Harry assumed (and hoped) was shame.

"We're sorry, Headmistress," Harry said sincerely. "Is there anything else you needed from us?"

"Not in the meantime, no," McGonagall said. She took out a slip of paper and gave it to Harry. "This is the password for your new room, and you'll find it on the third floor by the Defence Against the Darks Arts office."

Harry took it with a grateful nod, before getting up from his seat, Malfoy following suit.

"Why are you so bloody rude all the time?!" Harry exploded once they left the office.

"Oh, bugger off, Potter," Malfoy sneered. "You're not my mother."

"Yeah, thank goodness," Harry snorted, walking down the flight of stairs towards their class. They entered to find everyone seated, with Professor Flitwick stopping mid-sentence to stare at them in delighted astonishment.

"Good morning, boys!" Professor Flitwick said enthusiastically. "It seems that you have missed the instructions for today's lesson! Why don't you two join Miss Granger so she may explain it to you?"

Malfoy opened his mouth to protest, but Harry obliged readily. "Of course, Professor." he took Malfoy's arm and dragged him over to Hermione's desk, grabbing an extra chair and plopping down into it.

"We're uh..." Hermione's voice faltered as she stared at Malfoy's bored expression. "We're working on Cheering Charms."

"Again?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... now we're looking on altering between different moods," Hermione said nervously, twisting a strand of her hair with her finger and looking down. Harry stared at her in confusion.

"Okay... what kinds of moods?" he asked, trying to break through her dreamlike state.

"Happiness," Hermione said with a patronizing tone, already falling back into herself. "Anger, sadness, just normal moods one would feel every day."

Harry took out his wand, and Malfoy did the same.

"I'll go first," they said simultaneously. Like the day before, they stared each other down, willing the other to give in.

"How about I go first?" Hermione cut in. At this, Harry nodded, while Malfoy merely rolled his eyes.

She pointed her wand at Draco and said the incantation. "Furoratus!"

The spell hit Malfoy in the chest, and he seized up a little. "Bloody hell, Granger," he snarled. "Did you have to do it so hard? You little Mu- bitch!"

Malfoy's slip of tongue didn't go unnoticed by either Harry or Hermione, and the bushy-haired girl muttered the counter-curse quickly before Malfoy did something he regretted.

"What was that?" he said, sounding slightly out of breath. "It was like the worst mood swing in my life!"

"It was the anger charm," Hermione said simply, before giving Malfoy a sheet of paper. "Here, these are the incantations. You have to give a little flourish of your wand and speak loud and clearly."

Malfoy cleared his throat and squinted at the paper before turning his wand on Harry with a maniacal grin.

"Tristatus!" it hit Harry square in the chest.

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