chapter seventeen

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Harry tried his best to smile at his ex-girlfriend.

"Hey," he said, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Long time no see."

"I know right!" Ginny giggled. "I almost thought you were avoiding me."

Harry felt sweat on the back of his neck. He had been avoiding Ginny. Their breakup had not been friendly, to be frank.


"Gay, Ginny."


"I know, Ginny. I only found out recently-"



"Oh no, I'd never do that," Harry chuckled. The laugh didn't quite meet his eyes, and Ginny frowned.

"Harry, I hope we can put all of that, in the past," she said and swung her arms around maniacally, obviously thinking it represented their relationship. Harry thought it was pretty spot on.

"I mean, as long as you have no problem with me fucking guys, sure!" they shook hands, and the boy's dormitories door opened at that exact moment. Ron stood in the doorframe with a sombre expression while Draco sauntered over to Harry, not a hair out of place.

"What are you waiting for?" the blond snorted. "Go to her, Weasel!"

Ron scurried away.

"What did you say to him?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Nothing too important," Draco shrugged delicately. Harry's brows furrowed.

"Don't do that, Potter," Draco said haughtily. "You'll get wrinkles."

Harry blushed deeply. Ginny sighed from beside them.

"You guys are way too obvious," she said. Harry choked.

"What do you mean?" he said dumbly.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Give me some credit, Harry. I dated you for two years."

"A scarring two years," Harry shivered. Ginny smacked him, but she knew he was joking.

"I will never understand the appeal with women," Harry said honestly.

"Me neither," Draco agreed.

"But, Harry. Why this guy? What's so special about him?" Ginny asked, giving Draco a questioning look. "Did he Confund you?"

"I'm hot."

"You're really not," came a voice from behind them.

All three of them jumped at the sound of Neville, and they looked over to where he stood in the doorway. Harry hid his head in Ginny's shoulder and groaned.

"I may as well come out to the whole fucking school," he moaned. Ginny patted his head consolingly.

"Don't worry, mate. I won't tell a soul. I'm super supportive of the LGBT stuff!" Neville chirped happily. Harry looked up and gave him a small, thankful smile.


It was evening, and Harry and Draco were once again headed to the Room of Requirement. Once they had entered, the two sat down on the cushions by the warm fireplace.

"Say, Harry," Draco said suddenly after a few minutes of cuddling in silence. "When will you be ready to come out?"

Harry fidgeted nervously. "I- I was thinking and... I think I am ready."

Draco looked at him in shock. "Really? What changed your mind?"

"Well, I wanted to hide it because I didn't think my friends would have a good reaction to it. But now Ron and Hermione know, I don't care what anyone else thinks," Harry answered truthfully. Draco rested his chin on the top of Harry's head.

"How do you want to do it, then?"

Harry smirked evilly. "I've got a brilliant idea..."


"Harry, red really isn't my color," Draco pouted. They were in the corridor by the Great Hall, and Draco was eying his red tie with malice.

"You look good in everything, Draco," Harry said, leaning up to kiss him. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and tilted his head slightly, deepening the kiss. One of them moaned, and Harry's hands traveled up into Draco's hair and tugged.

"Harry!" Draco said, pulling back quickly. "You're going to make us late!"

"Is that really so bad?" Harry said, winking.

"Oh God, you really are a Slytherin," Draco sighed. "And you look like my own personal devil with that tie on."

Harry looked down at the silver and green tie in confusion. "And?"

Draco shook his head with a fond smile. "Just- never mind."

They clasped each other's hand and walked over to the entrance. The two could feel every eye on them as they walked into the room. Harry's breath quickened.

"Don't worry about them," Draco whispered once he noticed Harry's anxiety. "Focus on my hand."

And Harry did. He turned his attention to the way Draco's hand had his in a tight grip. He could feel the scars and callouses on his palm and fingertips and the thought of them mapping his skin made them shiver.

All around them, whispers erupted.

"Are they dating?"

"Are they wearing each other's ties?"

"Pay up, Ernie!"

"I knew this from the day they did that duel in our second year!"

"This was bound to happen; they talk about nothing but each other!"

"I wonder which one takes it up the arse."

Harry blushed at the last comment and dropped his head to the wooden table in embarrassment, but Draco immediately sat him back upright, admonishing him and telling him that he'll get a red mark if he does that.

"I guess we were pretty shit at hiding it," Harry mumbled.

"Oh well," Draco shrugged. "I've been obsessed with you ever since I first laid eyes on you. This was bound to happen."

Harry muttered something incoherent before leaning his head on Malfoy's shoulder.

"I guess it was pretty successful. No one seems to be judging us."

But no one saw the murderous look on Pansy Parkinson's face.

woahwoahwoah oh oh oh woahwoah it's always a good time

anyways wwhasjdfhjkadfhdf vote comment all that shibang

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