chapter ten

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It was halfway through October, and Halloween was just around the corner. There were ghastly decorations everywhere, and the seventh years had taken it upon themselves to scare all the younger students out of their wits with shameless pranks.

"Ah!" Draco shrieked as a fake spider fell from mid-air and landed on his nose. "Get it off! Get it off!"

Harry, who was laughing, brushed it off of Draco's face, his expression looking considerably traumatized.

"It wasn't that scary," Harry teased as they continued their walk down the corridor.

"Speak for yourself, Scarhead," Draco said haughtily. "It wasn't crawling about on your face!"

"It wasn't even moving." Harry rolled his eyes.

They entered the Hall and sat next to each other, and no one batted an eye. The story about their bond had gotten dull over the weeks, and the school had already moved onto the next hot topic.

Hermione hurried over to where they were sitting on sat next to Draco, heaving a large book onto the table.

"Here! Look! I got Professor McGonagall to allow me into the restricted section and I found this!" she said eagerly. Harry leaned over Draco's plate and inspected the book.

The Horcrux and its Deadly Consequences.

Harry gave her the look. He had been giving it to her quite regularly now. One of his eyebrows rose as his mouth tightened in a grim line.

Professor McGonagall had made him sit through a series of tests, for pieces of Voldemort's soul or any kind of dark curse. And they'd all come back negative.

"Come on, Harry! We haven't even looked through it yet!" Hermione protested.

"Wait- wait," Draco cut in. "How did you find this? I thought all the books on Horcruxes had been removed from the school library?"

"They added them back so we can study them," Hermione explained. Draco looked at her as if her hair was on fire. "I didn't make up the rules, Draco! This is what the Ministry has decided!"

"The Ministry has gone to the dogs," he muttered. Harry laughed heartily beside him.

"That's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say," he said.

"Anyways," Hermione said hastily. "I found something that sounded pretty similar to what you're... going through."

Harry gestured for her to carry on. She flicked through pages quickly before stopping somewhere in the middle. "There."

Draco and Harry pulled the book between them and read.

Though it is not common, animals may be used to create Horcruxes. As the animal has a soul of its own, it may be saved if you kill it. Waiting too long may vanquish the animal's soul.

However, even after the other's soul fragment is removed, the animal may have an undetectable imprint of the being in their mind. This may stay with them for the rest of their life. But it can also leave them.

Symptoms of the imprint may include:

The creature passes out frequently.
It is regularly fatigued.
It is unnaturally aggressive for its species.

"You think I've got an imprint?" Harry said, bewildered. "I don't think you've noticed, Hermione, but I'm not an animal."

"I know that, Harry," Hermione said exasperatedly. "But you have a soul of your own, don't you? And you've been experiencing these symptoms!"

Draco looked amused. "The Prophet will have a field day with this: The savior of the Wizarding World, Harry Potter, has announced to the world he now identifies as a peacock."

"A peacock?" Harry said, raising an eyebrow.

"It's the first one that came to mind!" Malfoy said, flushing.


The Headmistress looked up from her copy of the Quibbler and studied the three over her glasses.

"I've never heard of this kind of thing before, Miss. Granger," she said skeptically.

Hermione, who seemed to be glowing with pride at solving the mystery, faltered under McGonagall's patronizing gaze.

"Well, Professor," Harry spoke up. "Seeing I have most of these symptoms, I think it's very likely."

"Well, Mr. Potter, that would extinguish any hope for a cure," she reminded him. He scratched the back of his head.

"It said in the book that the imprint may wear off at some point," Draco said.

"It may wear off, Draco, but what if it doesn't?" Professor McGonagall said tiredly.

When the trio didn't respond, she spoke again. "Let's assume this is the correct theory, for now. Potter, you must take note of any new symptoms. I'm trusting you to do that. Any ones that don't fit the ones listed must be given in to Madam Pomfrey."

Harry nodded dutifully.

"I'm counting on you, Malfoy, to keep an eye on him," she eyed Draco. He looked sideways at Harry uncertainly. The old witch barely stifled her laugh.

"Thank you," they said, bowing their heads slightly, filing out the room once she dismissed them with a nod of her head.

"Harry, promise me you won't keep anything under wraps," Hermione said as they made their way to the boys' room.

"Of course, Hermione," Harry said honestly. "I want this thing gone as much as you do."

Is that entirely true, Harry?

He flinched slightly. Hermione didn't notice, but Draco did.

"Bye!" Hermione said to the two boys as they parted ways, her warm smile lingering over Draco for a little longer than he found comfortable.

"Your friend has a crush on me," he told Harry once they were settled inside their room.

Harry narrowed his eyes. "She's very happy with Ron, Draco."

Draco shook his head at Harry. They got in bed and slept soundly, arms wrapped tightly around the other, a habit that helped the two boys get through nightmares.

this isn't dramione i promise.
also you will throw up in about five chaptersss

vote comment and love me ):

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