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"I expected this whole thing to be a lot more dramatic

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"I expected this whole thing to be a lot more dramatic. You know? Like we'd get a massive party thrown for us, fireworks. And all we get is, having to bring our own stuff out of our rooms. We're basically just getting kicked out. We worked out asses off for seven years and we're getting kicked out." Remus muses with his hands on his hips. Cassiopeia gives him a look, with a raised eyebrow.

"You ask way too much." Cassiopeia hums, making him huff and cross his arms over his chest. She looks around, wondering where the rest of their friends are. At the time being it's just her and Remus, their packed stuff already in the carriage, ready to leave. They had gotten here a little early and they were waiting for everyone to come so that they could take the Hogwarts Express back to London. "Where are the others anyway?"

"I have this inkling they're doing something that they shouldn't be doing. They'll find us here anyway." Remus responds, making her nod in agreement. "I'm kind of scared of what's going to happen now, since we're leaving. What if we don't see each other again? I can't imagine a life without you fools."

"Aw, Remus. There is absolutely no way we won't see each other again. If anything from now on, you're coming every Saturday for lunch." Cassiopeia states firmly and he looks at her in shock.

"Are you being serious?" He asks and she nods, with a warm smile.

"You and the others are basically my family at this point. And I'd be so lost without you lot." She admits and he smiles, before he pulls her in a hug.

"Thank you for just being the most amazing person ever. Honestly, I'm so glad Sirius has someone like you." Remus hums, before they let go of each other and smile happily.

"Thank you, Moony. I'm grateful to have a friend like you. Although, we don't spend much time together." She hums and he nods in agreement.

"Probably because Sirius can't let you for a second. I'm even surprised he's not here right now." He says teasingly and she snorts, shaking her.

"I love him, really. But boy, can he be clingy. It's cute, though." She giggles, making him sigh as he shakes his head in amusement.

"And he used to make fun of James for being so clingy to Lily. How the tables have turned." Remus snickers and she chuckles, glancing towards the castle to the other finally making their way to them with their stuff. "Talk about the wolf."

"We weren't talking about you though." Cassiopeia says teasingly and playfully glares at her, shoving her a little and she shoves back. It quickly turns into him chasing her and her trying to run away as fast possible. The others watch in amusement and confusion as they approach them.

"What in the name of Merlin, is going on here?" Marlene asks with a raised eyebrow, making the two stop and look at her sheepishly.

"He started it!" Cassiopeia says innocently, making Remus gape at her.

"No! You started it." Remus says accusingly and they quickly start chasing each other again, making the other laugh.

"Bloody hell. They're like siblings." Mary snickers as she watches them in entertainment. Sirius smiles fondly, happy to see his girlfriend getting along so well with one of his best friends. Shaking his head, he puts his stuff into the carriage and helps the others put their stuff in. Just as they finish that's when they notice Professor Dumbledore walk towards them. Remus and Cassiopeia stop running, as they face the Head of the school, they others joining them.

"Congratulations on finishing with excellent results." Dumbledore hums, making them beam happily. "I wanted to ask you all something. You don't have to accept, but I thought I'd still ask."

"Of course, what can we do for you Professor." Marlene smiles softly at him.

"Cassiopeia is well aware of the existence of the Order, as Hagrid has told me." Dumbledore says and Cassiopeia flushes as the others quickly glance at her questioningly, before looking back at Dumbledore. "The Order is a secret organisation, so to say, that is fighting in the war. And as some of my most talented students, I was hoping to ask you if you'd want to join."

"Most definitely." Cassiopeia speaks up first, making Dumbledore smile approvingly. Sirius smiles softly and nods in agreement.

"You can definitely count me in." Sirius says, taking her hand in his.

"Make that three of us." James hums with a nod.

"No, make that four of us." Lily corrects James, who grins sheepishly.

"I think it's fair to say we're all willing to join." Remus chuckles, making Dumbledore look at them to be certain that they really want to be a part of the Order. He stops as he sees Mary looking down.

"Miss Macdonald, will you also be joining?" Dumbledore asks and Mary hesitates as everyone turns to look at her.

"No, sorry. I won't." Mary says with a weak smile as she looks up at the Professor who nods in acceptance.

"Very well. As for the others, I shall send an Owl for the rest of you." Dumbledore says, before walking away.

"My first question is, Cassie, how do you know about the Order?" Dorcas asks and Cassiopeia smiles sheepishly.

"Hagrid and I spend a lot of time together when I first arrived at Hogwarts, when the Order was formed he told sometimes he'd have to go away. And I sort of guessed it was about the war, so he just told me." She shrugs, making Sirius shake his head.

"Why did I expect anything else?" He asks rhetorically and kisses her forehead, making her shrug.

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