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"The Winter Ball is coming up soon and I'm so excited!" Mary exclaims happily as she sits across from Lily, who looks up in amusement

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"The Winter Ball is coming up soon and I'm so excited!" Mary exclaims happily as she sits across from Lily, who looks up in amusement.

"Did Fabian ask you?" Dorcas asks and Mary nods in confirmation with the widest grin. "Well, looks like we all have a date."

"I don't actually." Cassiopeia speaks up, making the four girls look at her in shock. They're all sitting the Great Hall, having come for Dinner just before it starts.

"What? But I thought Sirius would have asked you by now. It's in three weeks." Marlene says in bewilderment and Cassiopeia shakes her head in denial.

"I'm sorry to say this, but you lot are delusional. There is absolutely no way he'll ask me to the ball." Cassiopeia hums and Lily sighs hopelessly.

"I really thought he would. I mean there is still three weeks to go. So, he might still do it." Lily points out and Cassiopeia gives her a look, before looking down sadly.

"It doesn't matter. I got my hopes up for nothing. After all, how stupid could I be. We're just friends. He has no reason to ask me to the ball. Why would he ever ask me of all the girls in Hogwarts?" She asks rhetorically and Marlene gives her a look to shut up.

"Don't start, Cassie. You know you're worth more than all the other girls in Hogwarts companied. And if he can't see that, he's a bloody fool. Now, let's forget about that and let's talk about your upcoming birthday. Nineteen years old." Marlene grins and Cassiopeia huffs.

"How exciting. What do you want to do? We could go have dinner at Hogsmeade, us five?" Mary suggests and Dorcas nods in agreement.

"That sounds nice. I think we could that." Cassiopeia hums with a soft smile, making her friends grin happily.

"Good." Marlene grins excitedly, just as the four boys join them. "Hey, boys."

"Hey, Mar." Remus smiles at her as he sits down next to her. Sirius walks up to Cassiopeia with a sheepish grin.

"Hey, darling. Do you want to walk with me for a minute?" He asks and she nods, standing up. He offers his hand, which she takes happily. He looks up at the other and smiles at them. "We'll be back."

"You got this, Padfoot." James says encouragingly, making Sirius playfully glare at him as he leads Cassiopeia away.

"So, any particular reason for this walk?" Cassiopeia asks and he hums in response, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask you something." He says honestly and her heart rate increases as she starts realise what's going on.

"Oh." She breaths out as they walk into the courtyard and they stop under a tree. "Is this about..."

"The Winter Ball? Yeah." He clears his throat, both getting flustered and blushing hard. He scratches the back of his head nervously as he looks down. "Would you want to go with me to the Winter Ball?"

"Yeah. I'd like that." She hums softly, making him look up and grin happily at her.

"Really?" He asks, slightly shocked and she nods in confirmation as her blush deepens. "Great. Cool. Awesome. I'm glad. Also, I was wondering if for your birthday, you maybe wanted to go to Hogsmeade for the weekend? I know you don't like big crowds and stuff, so I thought maybe we could do something together."

"Oh. Well, the girls wanted to have dinner together at Hogsmeade." She says and his smile drops, slightly disappointed by the news.

"Oh. Right, of course."

"But maybe, if you want, I can ask them to do dinner Friday and then we can spend the rest of the weekend there." She suggests hopefully, actually liking the idea of spending time with him.

"Yeah. That works. We can do that." He smiles softly, making her grin happily. "We should probably go back, before they start asking too many questions."

"Probably." She chuckles softly and he wraps an around her shoulder, before they start walking back.

"I'm glad you said yes, to both." He says honestly and she looks up at him with a warm smile.

"I'm glad you asked, if I'm honest." She admits and he smiles happily, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead.

"Pretty sure Remus won the bet against Peter then." Sirius says teasingly and she snorts as she shakes her head in amusement.

"He did. Before the end of the week. It's Tuesday." She points out as they walk back into the Great Hall. "The original bet was between Peter and I, on whether you'd be the one to ask me."

"And what did you bet?" He asks in amusement.

"I didn't! Because I thought he was being a fool for even thinking you'd ask me." She says honestly and he shoves her softly.

"Shut it, sunshine. Of course I'd ask you. I just had to build up the courage to do so." He says with a shrug and she gives him a questioningly look.


"Darling, asking the most beautiful girl in the world to the Winter Ball, is no easy task." He hums and she blushes as they rejoin the others, who smile at them.

"And?" Remus asks curiously as Cassiopeia retakes her spot between Dorcas and Lily, while Sirius climbs over the table to sit next to Mary. "Did you do it?"

"I did. And she said yes." Sirius says with the happiest smile ever and Cassiopeia blushes, making the girls look at them curiously as the other three boys cheer happily for their friend.

"Said yes to what?" Mary asks with a grin, making Cassiopeia blush even more.

"To the Winter Ball and spending the weekend at Hogsmeade with him." Cassiopeia says shyly and the girls look at each other with the widest grin.

"Merlin's beard! This is great! How exciting!" Dorcas exclaims happily, making Cassiopeia glance up at Sirius, who winks at her.

"Peter! That'll be 5 galleons, please." Remus smirks as he looks over at Peter.


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