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"So Remus has this amazing plan

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"So Remus has this amazing plan. And it might get us in trouble. But I think it can be cute." Peter says as he turns around to walk backwards, so that he can face his friends.

"Oh, gee. I'm not sure I like where this is going." Lily hums, making James snort and shake his head as he wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

"Oh, don't be so pessimistic, Lils. This is going to be amazing." James says proudly, making her rolls her eyes at him.

"What's the master plan?" Marlene asks as she walks side by side with Dorcas, holding each other's hands.

"During Professor McGonagall's announcement. We're going to drop thousands of feathers on everyone." James says excitedly and Cassiopeia's eyes widen as she smiles.

"That sounds bad. But so cute. Like you'll totally getting in trouble for that, but it's so cute, I think it's worth it." Cassiopeia says in excitement, making Sirius grin as he wraps his arms loosely around her neck her behind as they continue walking.

"You're so adorable and cute, darling." He says, making her blush.

"I'm guessing you've already set it all up, then." Mary hums, making Remus look down at her and nod.

"Oh, yeah. It's ready. All we have to do is wait for the right moment. I'm thinking right after she announces something, whether it's bad or good news." Remus says, making Dorcas give him a look.

"Imagine she announces someone is dead and feathers suddenly fall from no where." Dorcas breaths out, making Remus wince at the thought.

"Okay, we won't do it if she announces something that bad." Remus clarifies and Dorcas snickers, shaking her head.

"Why is she even making an announcement? What could there possibly be to announce?" Peter asks and just as he says that he trips and falls. Everyone stops and looks down, Sirius buries his face in Cassiopeia's hair to try and muffle his laughter, while she puts a hand over her mouth in both worry and amusement.

"You good there, Wormtail?" James snickers as Peter gets back up with a wide grin.

"Never been better, Prongs." Peter chuckles, before he starts walking facing forward. They all walk into the Great Hall, to see that there are already a lot students sat at each table. Sirius lets go of Cassiopeia, as they all sit down together. They all look at Professor McGonagall as she steps forward.

"Thank you all for gathering so quickly. I'm sure you're all wondering why we're gathered here. After a long discussion with the other professors, we've agreed that you all deserve a Winter Ball." Professor McGonagall announces, making all the students cheer. James and Sirius pick this moment to let the feathers fall. As Cassiopeia feels one hit her nose, she looks up and smiles. Everyone stands up and starts running around, making professors shake their head disapprovingly, but decide to not say anything. Marlene stands up and pulls Cassiopeia up, spinning her around.

Cassiopeia giggles as she smiles happily, before glancing at Sirius, who turns to look at her. As their eyes connect, her heart swells and everything seems to slow down. A blush rises to her cheeks as she slowly starts smiling at him, and slowly a smile forms on his lips as well. Their little moment is interrupted, as Mary pulls her closer and they spin around together. While Cassiopeia is just laughing along with her friends, she doesn't realise that Sirius still has his eyes on her.

"Okay, let's be serious for a moment." Remus says as he notices Sirius staring, catching the attention of all three boys.

"Calm down, Moony. I can't be Sirius." James jokes, making Peter and Sirius chuckle as Remus playfully glares at him.

"Not funny. But honestly, Padfoot. You should ask her to be your date to the ball." Remus suggests, making James smirk and nod in agreement.

"And then ask her to be your girlfriend." James says, making Sirius glare at him playfully.

"She's just a friend." Sirius huffs, making James and Remus give each other a look, clearly not believing him. "Merlin's beard."

"She's just a friend. You're so adorable, darling. You're so cute." James mocks, making Sirius glare at him again and Remus snorts as Peter shakes his head at them. "You're being as sappy as I was when I was trying to date Lily."

"No one can beat you in that, Prongs." Sirius chuckles, and this time it's James who glares at him.

"Oh, no. You're like really close right now. If you keep going, you will." Peter says teasingly, making Sirius glare at him.

"Okay, I'm done with this conversation." Sirius waves them off as he walks away, towards Cassiopeia, making the boys smirk.

"You're proving our point." James says, causing Sirius to shake his head. He walks up to her and takes her hand. A squeal of surprise escapes her lips as he spins her into his arms.

"Enjoying yourself there, sunshine?" He asks, making her giggle and beam.

"Yeah. This has to be one of Remus' best ideas." She hums, making him chuckle and spins her again.

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