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"You ready?" Marlene asks as Cassiopeia walks out of the bathroom, after having taken a shower and put on fresh set clothes so that she didn't show up with paint all over her

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"You ready?" Marlene asks as Cassiopeia walks out of the bathroom, after having taken a shower and put on fresh set clothes so that she didn't show up with paint all over her. Marlene had come to pick her up, so she didn't feel too awkward walking all alone into the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Yeah. I am." She hums softly, as she makes sure the collar of her white button up is well done. Marlene stretches her hand out for her and Cassiopeia takes it, smiling gratefully. They step out of the Ravenclaw Tower, slowly making their way to where they'll meet the others. "I'm a little nervous. They seem very intimidating."

"Oh, don't worry. Let me give you a rundown on them. James is an absolute softie and fool, but he's also very protective of his friends. Remus is kind of the master mind behind them, but he is very sweet. Sirius is a bit of a flirt, and just like the others, a sweetheart. And then there is Peter, he is kind of the follower, I won't lie, but he is very nice." Marlene explains and Cassiopeia takes a mental note of it. "Honestly, I think you and Remus will get along the most. James and Sirius can be a little too much sometimes."

"That last part didn't help with the nervousness." Cassiopeia admits, making Marlene smile sheepishly.

"Sorry. But don't worry my little star. You'll be just fine." Marlene hums reassuringly and Cassiopeia blushes slightly. They walk into the common room, it already buzzing with many students. Cassiopeia slightly moves behind Marlene, a move that doesn't go unnoticed by the blonde. Marlene leads her in the direction of couches set to surround the fireplace in a semi circle. All three couches are full, Mary and Dorcas are sat on one, Lily, James Potter and Sirius Black on another, leaving the last one for Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin.

"Okay, no. I won't accept this. I had bet that they'd get together this year." Sirius says stubbornly, making Remus shake his head at him.

"I had it for this month. So I'm more accurate." Remus says, just as stubbornly as his friend. Cassiopeia looks up at Marlene questioningly as they approach them.

"No. No. This month is part of this year, therefore I also won. Fair square." Sirius says as he falls back into the couch, making James snort and shake his head.

"Now, now, boys. Let's take it down a few notch." Marlene speaks up, making them all look up at her with wide grins. Mary, Dorcas and Lily's grins get even wider as they see their shy friend behind Marlene. "Wouldn't want to scare away our guest."

"Is this the Cassiopeia? The one you guys keep mentioning?" Peter asks, making Marlene nod in confirmation as Cassiopeia blushes as she looks down shyly. "I really thought you guys had gone crazy and made an imaginary friend."

"Oh, Peter. Let me tell you, our sweet little Cassie is all but imaginary. Although she is so perfect that sometimes even I think she's imaginary." Mary muses, making Cassiopeia's blush deepen even more.

"Come join us, we've heard so much about you! Especially your paintings. Now we haven't seen any, but these four girls can't shut up about it." James says excitedly as Marlene pushes her to stand in front so that they can all clearly see her.

"I... uh... well, they're okay, I suppose." Cassiopeia stumbles upon her words as she glances towards James. Her eyes move past Sirius, but they shift back to him as her breath gets caught at the back of her throat. A blush rises to her cheeks as he smirks at her.

"I have a hard time believing that, darling. You'll have to show us one day." Sirius muses, making her blush turn a shade she couldn't imagine even existed. She had never see. someone so good looking in her life. He had dark eyes and his hair reached past the nape of his neck.

"She made us all portraits. If I'm correct, we all hung it in our rooms back home. Oh, she is an absolutely amazing artist. Don't believe what she's saying. It's absolute rubbish." Marlene says proudly, making Lily giggle as she sees how flustered Cassiopeia.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come sit with us. Promise we don't bite." Remus says with a soft smile, noticing how nervous she is.

"Oh, no. You definitely don't bite, Moony." James teases, making Remus roll his eyes as Marlene shoves her forward. Cassiopeia stumbles slightly, but Sirius catches her by the arms.

"Watch it, darling. Wouldn't want something to happen to your pretty face." He says and her cheeks continue to burn as she is left speechless and gaping at him. He can't help but chuckle and find her absolutely adorable.

"Take my spot, Cassie. Mary and I have to go pick something up in our rooms." Lily says as she moves from her position in between James and Sirius. Cassiopeia is hesitant and Sirius notices it, making him use the fact that he's holding her to his advantage. Cassiopeia squeaks as she falls in between James and Sirius, while Marlene shakes her head with a soft smile as she sits with Dorcas.

"So you're a Ravenclaw, right?" Remus asks as he leans forward, making Cassiopeia turn to look at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah." She breaths out, with a shy smile.

"You're so adorable, I'd have bet you're a Hufflepuff." Sirius says with a smirk, both amused and loving how her cheeks turn different shades of red, every time he flirted with her.

"Oh, Sirius. Leave the poor girl alone." Dorcas shakes her head.

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