VIII- Curiosity

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    "Operation Obito is in motion. Go!" I whisper yell, into the walkie-talkie. Peaking from my spot behind a tree while Kakashi helps me stay upright. Obito awkwardly walks up to Rin. Right before Obito can get a word out he trips over a dog's leash.

    His hand outreaches to the owner on pure instinct, pulling her down falling onto her, softening his land. The dog starts barking at Obito, ready to attack. Not registering it, he moves to help the owner up.

    The medium-sized dog lunges at him. Chasing him down the sidewalk, with the owner chasing after her dog. Leaving a frightened, Rin behind. "I think he did wonderfully," Kakashi smirks.

    "That was a total disaster! He'll never get the girl that way!" I slump back against the tree. Bouncing up, I clap my hands together, my balance a little off. "Kakashi! I have a brilliant plan!"

    "Whatever it is, no. When you think nothing good comes out of it. Besides you want Obito to get Rin." he huffs out, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Aww! You do care about him!" I amuse out. "Don't get it twisted. I want Obito to get Rin simply because if that happens, she'll stop pestering me, and then I'll have- wait never mind."

    He cuts himself off mid-sentence. "Ah ah ah, finish what you were going to say. I'm curious now." I can't help but giggle. "Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be the cat." "You're no fun Kakashi. Rin looks so lonely walking by herself. We should keep her company."

    Pondering for a second, he turns around squatting. "Um, Kakashi? What are you doing?" his hands reach behind his back, slightly. "You can't walk. Hop on." without making a fuss, I get on. Once we get sorted out, he starts making his way out into the somewhat busy sidewalk.

    "Hey, she's walking the other way. You realize that, don't you?" I asked, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. Arms resting on top of his shoulders lightly. "She's not my main concern right now." I can't help but smile a little. "Thank you."

    Stopping at my front door, he squats down allowing me to get off easier. He looks at me, then back to the door. Opening the door, his eyes widen. "Y/n?! You don't lock your door when you leave the house?!" he's getting ready to scold me, I know it.

    "In all fairness, hear me out. If someone wants to break in, all they have to do is walk-in. That way, no windows, or locks get messed up." I state. His face contorts into a mixture of anger, and disappointment. "Do you ever lock your doors? Even when you're home?" he questions.

    "Promise you won't lecture me if I answer truthfully?" he starts muttering incoherent words. "Listen, your brother is working out of state. You can't be doing this! I need to spend a few nights, making sure you're okay. You shouldn't even be alone, to begin with! You're hurt!" he slowly starts to yell at me.

    "Sleepover!" I yelled, hugging him. He wraps his arms around me, patting my head. "I'm not a dog Kakashi!" I giggle out. Leaning backward, his face is red. "Come inside! You need to rest, you might be getting a fever!" I insist.

    "Baka! I don't have a fever!" he carefully helps me inside closing the door "Fine, but if you get sick don't blame me! Tomorrow we'll invite Rin and Obito for a sleepover!" I plop myself down on the couch, Kakashi, following my lead.

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