Special chapter

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"Okay Hidan, remember once he opens that door you go for it." I whisper-yell to him. He nods his head while getting into the position crouching down right in front of the door. "Wait for no Hidan, you need to move-"

Kakuzu slams the door open knocking Hidan down. "Stop messing around, and get off the floor. We leave in a couple of minutes." Kakuzu pointed out before walking into his office.

Biting my lip, tears start to prick the corner of my eyes. "Y/n don't you dare laugh! If you do I'll sacrifice you to Jashin!" he yells out, standing up. My laughter fills the hallway. "That's it!"

I stop laughing as I feel him tackling me to the ground, his hand goes to the back of my head before I hit the floor. A groan left my lips. "You good like this, if I do say so. What you turn eighteen in a few months right?"

Hidan smirks pushing some of the hair out of my face. "Get off, you're heavy." I try to push his chest, but he doesn't budge. "Someone might get the wrong idea." I let out a sigh, although I'm secretly enjoying this.

He shrugs his shoulders, clearly proud right now. The front door opens and Hidan still doesn't move. "What's going on here?" Hidan's eyes go wide. Madara's voice has a deep threatening tone to it. "Ha. I fell over, no problem here." with that he gets off of me in a hurry, not bothering to help me up as he takes off.

"What an imbecile. Here I'll help you up." Madara holds out his hand. Smiling gently, I take his hand allowing him to help me up. "Ah, thank you for that. He means no harm." I try to soothe this problem.

He shakes his head unimpressed. "Stop making excuses for him. Never mind that, are you ready to go?" he asks, doing a once over on my appearance. "I am, shall I go tell the guys you're ready?"

I ask, already turning on my heels to go get them. "No need. They can drive themselves. We'll be getting a head start." Madara leaves no room for further discussion. Gently, he places a hand on my back giving me a slight push forward.

Opening my car door for me, he waits until I'm settled in before closing the door for me. I watch him through the glass while he gracefully walks to the driver's side.

"You're a gentleman man, I love it." my mouth speaks before I can process what I just said. He chuckles. "You're a young lady, you deserve to be treated with respect. Tell me, what are your plans for the future?" he asks, glancing over at me.

Looking out my window, I nibble on my bottom lip. "That's a difficult question. As of now, I just want to enjoy life. But I know eventually, that'll have to change. I don't quite have something in mind." I close my eyes. The rest of the car ride is silent.

Making my way into the private room, I walk up to Sasori who's speaking with Deidara. "Hello, guys. How are we doing today?" I ask, looking around the room. "It's been quiet. Expect for this brat who can't keep his trap shut." Sasori looks at Deidara who looks offended.

"You know what Danna, you're just jealous of me!" Deidara yells at Sasori. I love watching them bicker, but I'm not in the mood for it today. Grinning, I tiptoe over towards Kisame, who has back turned against me.

"I know you're right behind me kid. You're not soft with your footsteps." he faces me, a smug smirk on his face. "You're no fun. You could've humored me, and pretended to be scared." I whine, with slumped shoulders.

Kisame laughs throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I can't baby you now. Where's your brother?" he questions, looking around the room. "Madara and I left him at the house with Hidan." amusement plastered over my face.

"I see. Well would you look at that, they're here now. Upset you left without him. Good luck with his wrath." Kisame leaves me by myself. Kakuzu stomped his way to me.

"You're in so much trouble! Leaving without telling me? And without me as well!" Kakuzu tries to keep his voice hushed. "I'm sorry, but you were busy. Not my problem." I say, giving him finger guns. I think that just irritated him more. His left eye twitches.

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