XII- Leaving

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    "Y/n! Don't just stand there. Move your ass, and pack." exaggerating, I sigh loudly ignoring him. "Fine, I'll pack for you." crossing my arms, I stare at his back as he leaves my room. Grinning, I take light steps to the door and close it. Locking it in the process. "Pack my ass. I'm not moving."

    Walking over to my dresser, I pick up my phone. Unlocking it, I go to Kakashi's number deciding to call him. Putting the phone up to my ear, I pace back, and forth through my room waiting for him to pick up.

    He doesn't answer. Out of all the times not to pick up, he chooses now. Hanging up and called him again, but I get the same result. No answer. Locking my phone, I throw my phone on the bed. "Open this door. If I have to use force, you won't have a door in the new house," he growls out.

    "That's taking away my privacy," I tell him, walking to the door. "If you're going to do stupid things like this, you don't need a door." opening the door for him, I give him a dirty look. "You're not my dad." pushing past me, he lays the suitcase on my bed. He picks up my phone, putting it into his pocket.

    "No, I'm not. 'Cause if you were my kid, I wouldn't put up with this attitude of yours," he says, as he walks over to my closet, and starts grabbing the hangers. "I don't need you to pack for me." "You do, seeing as you can't take care of yourself."

    "What's your problem with me?" I scoff, watching him fold my shirts. "You're lazy, you don't take care of yourself, always getting into trouble, can't even manage to follow simple instructions. Shall I continue?" rolling my eyes, I go to my closet to get more clothes. "You should be nicer to me."

"I'll be nicer to you when you clean up your act." I let out a bitter laugh. "I'm in seventh grade, I'm still a kid! You're asking me to grow up, and not have fun. You do know that, right?"

I ask, shoving my clothes in the suitcase. "I'm not asking too much of you. You just don't want to listen," he says. Nothing else is said, while we pack the rest of my clothes.

A few hours pass by, and now we're loading up the car. "What about the furniture?" I frown thinking about leaving, Konoha. "We're leaving it here. Whoever buys this house will get it, that's if they want it." Kakuzu breathes out. "Got everything?"

Feeling my pockets, I nod to him. "Yeah, I got everything." "Okay get in." walking to the passenger side, I take one last look at the house. Smiling at the memories that have happened here. Getting into the car, I put my seatbelt on.

"Come on, Kakashi! It's your tenth birthday, we have to celebrate!" I giggle, spinning around him. "I agree. What should we do though?" Rin chirps out. "Y/n get the snacks! Rin, grab a few blankets, I, will get some pillows, and Kakashi, since it's your birthday you don't have to do anything."

Obito smiles. "We're going to the roof to watch the sunset! Then we can count the stars, let's go!" Obito takes off to my room. "No fair! You didn't say start!" I yell out to Obito. Taking off I go to the kitchen, running in the pantry.

"Do you need help?" Kakashi asks. Shaking my head, a few bags of chips fall from my arms as I stand up. "No! You're the birthday boy, I got it!" I smile, bending over to pick up the chips, only to drop more. Sighing I go to pick up the bags, just have other bags fall.

    "This is painful to watch, Y/n. Let me help." Kakashi doesn't wait for my answer. Picking up the bags, he takes a few more from the pile in my arms. "Wait! We need waters!" I look at Kakashi, smiling sheepishly. "At least you remembered before we got up there."

    "Obito! How am I going to climb up the ladder with the snacks?" I whine. "I got it! Stuff the snacks, and water into the pillowcases!" he holds out a pillow, making room. "Only put a few in, we can put the other snacks in the other pillows, so the weight is even!"

    "You're so smart Obito!" a faint blush appears on his face. "Okay, we're ready now!" I smile. "I'll go first!" Obito starts climbing up the ladder. His left hand holding on to the pillow. "Rin, you go!" once she's up, I grin "Kakashi, now you!" he groans, but starts to climb up the ladder.

    Kakashi makes it onto the roof, signaling me to come up. Getting to the top, I hand him my pillow. "Thank you!" I beam out. Pushing myself up, and onto the roof carefully, I look around. "The view is amazing!" a loud noise makes my eyes widen.

    "Y/n." Rin looks behind me. "The ladder fell over, didn't it?" I bite my lip, already knowing it did. "I knew this was a bad idea." Kakashi walks over to the edge, looking down. "Hey, that just means more quality time together." my voice quivers slightly.

Flashback ends
    "Alright, I'll get your suitcases out." Kakuzu goes around to the trunk. "I guess I should get out." I sighed opening the door. "Thank you," I say, following him into the airport, suitcase rolling behind me. After what seems like forever, we finally get onto the plane.

    "Kakuzu?" tilting my head, I look at him. "Yes?" he raises his eyebrows. "Why'd you take my phone? And do I get it back?" at this point, I'm mentally, and physically too drained to be hostile. "You don't need one. You can have a new phone when you start your freshman year."

    He states, not bothering to even look at me. Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep. Regret slowly started to cloud my mind. I didn't even get to say goodbye to them.

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