Chapter Seven

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Would I be classified a creep for staring at my sleeping mate for over an hour?

I think not,because one can't blame me for not being able to take my eyes off someone so beautiful.

His long lashes that curled a little upward fluttering at moments gave birth to thousands of butterflies in my stomach. Few days back if I were told that I'd be feeling the most cliche things I'd have laughed my ass off.

The old me who used to look at the assets of people I could have a play with and never ever took a second to actually see anyone beyond their sex appeal was now buried six feet deep under the ground.I have bedded quite a few, okay maybe not exactly few but I wasn't like a heartless player who used people and discarded them when I was done satisfying my carnal needs.They knew the deal and agreed to it before the deed was done.

It didn't mean I was not sexually attracted to No. The ever up-standing boner of mine could perfectly attest to just how appealing I found him. It was a wonder I haven't jumped his bones yet. He exuded such an innocent aura I didn't want to rush him and the beast inside me seemed to agree with me for once.

Usually, fated pairs mated the day they met,purely driven by their animalistic instincts. Only a handful people waited some days before completing the mating. Though they mostly lasted a week  before giving in to their needs. I wasn't going to be able to hold back for long either.

His plump lips which looked even more pink than usual moved slowly to form a word I failed to register the first time because my brain was a mess like my nether region. I dragged my eyes up and gazed into the gorgeous soft brown orbs of my mate.

"Morning Alpha."

"Good morning baby," I replied with a smile automatically making its appearance on my face.

"You sleep well?"

"Hmmm.. Yeah. Had a weird dream of an octopus tightly wrapping all of its limbs around me but strangely,instead of suffocation I felt warm and safe." He mumbled staring at me still half asleep.

"An octopus huh?" I suppressed the chuckle that was threatening to break out and fondly kissed his forehead.

Well, the octopus is glad that he felt safe in his hold.

"We should leave the bed before a crazy woman comes barging in. She has probably already figured out that her attempts at keeping us away has been proved futile."

I was right because ten minutes later when we appeared before the said crazy woman to sit for breakfast she jumped into action, examining No, searching for god knows what while giving me a death glare.

Remind me again who's mother is she supposed to be.

"Are you okay love?" She asked No, buttering a toast and also murdering me with her eyes.

"Yeah.. "

"Are you sure no one attacked you last nig-"

"Honey leave your questioning for later. Let the boys have their breakfast."

I mentally thanked dad and poured the mixed fruit juice in my glass. Quickly chugging the drink I stood and pulled No up from his seat as well,not stopping to see if he was done eating the contents on his plate. I will not be letting my mother hog my mate today. I will not be sharing him. No fucking way.


I watched his eyes light up looking at the display of various baked goods. I knew he loved sweet things and no place would make a better choice for a sweet enthusiast other than Fat Tummy cafe. It was basically a paradise for people with sweet tooth.

"Can I have the Pineapple flavored pastery?" He asked the old lady behind the counter, shyly peeking from behind me.

He wasn't used to speaking to strangers but the fact that he was putting in the effort and trying made me proud. He was still reserved around my dad. How my mom managed to break through his shy shell is a mystery I don't intend to find out.

When making our way to the cafe he stayed glued to my side. His hands clutching at my arms and eyes refusing to meet the curious ones. Which reminded me to have a talk with the pack members. My coronation was in less than two weeks time and hopefully we'll be mated by then so I can officially declare him as mine.

"Anything for you Young Alpha?" She asked smiling our way.

"Iced coffee for me."

We took a sit at the corner booth to shield away from prying eyes. I have not forgotten about the unknown danger he's in. He's safe here with me, in my pack but that didn't mean I was going to let my guards down.

I quickly accessed the whole room for anything suspicious. There were only eight people in the cafe including the three staff. Two teenage girls sat huddled together giggling over some hot guy and an old man silently stared out the window and sipped his tea.

"This is so delicious."

No was either a messy eater or he was deliberately being a tease. I reckoned it was the former but that didn't stop me from reaching out to wipe the corner of his lower lip with my thumb and bring it to my own mouth, No following my action with wide eyes.

"Mmmmm delicious. Absolutely delicious."

My mate blushed an adorable bright pink and looked away.

I just wrote this and updated without checking for the errors.

Sorry guys for the late update. Honestly, I  just have, like a short summary in my head for this story and I'm going with the flow. I wanted to wrap it up in maximum of ten parts but I'm not sure just how long it's gonna be.

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