Chapter Five

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I inhaled a long breath and pushed the door open.

Alpha Samuel Napat acknowledged my presence with a single nod and gestured towards one of the couches placed in the middle of the large office room.

My sleep deprived mind was yet to comprehend why I was so suddenly summoned by the man who was currently buring the floor with his glare.

"So,you are my son's fated mate."

I was mid-yawning when the simple statement was thrown my way like a cold bucket of ice water which dissipated all traces of sleepiness away.

Nic's earlier words echoed in my head and all I could think was that the man was going to utter something which I was surely going to dislike.

" He is not-" he began speaking and I was all ears, ready to counter words with words and even throw hands if he so much as suggested to keep No away from me. But another voice cut him off before he could complete his sentence.


And there stood my mate looking at the man with pleading eyes. "I want to be with my alpha."

He sat beside me and placed his hand on mine, which I didn't realise were fisted in fury. Slowly, he slipped his fingers between mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. The little touch calmed my angry wolf and helped me think clearly without the thought of wanting to snap someone's head.

I used to laugh at others for getting possessive over their mates. Even going as far to suggest pissing all over their mates to mark their territory. I now had a clear understanding of their predicament.

Just the thought of anyone trying to come between my mate and I made me see red.

Techno is mine. And he belongs with me.

Alpha Napat glanced at our intertwined fingers and then back at our faces that clearly spoke defiance.

"I want you to pack your things and go with your mate. "


To say that we were surprised would be an understatement. Here I was planning his demise,giving him the evil tag because I was expecting strong objection from his side but he's handing his son to me without any interrogation as many fathers tend to do so.I know this because Nic had to go through several stages of questioning before getting the green signal from my parents.

My mate launched himself in his father's arms with a teary smile. The Alpha patted his son's back affectionately with a sad frown.

We shared a look and I gave him a firm nod. Without needing any spoken words I knew what he wanted.

I will protect him at all cost.


After two hours of tear shedding and emotional talks and some more tears, from both side of the family we were set off.

Even though Nic didn't seem elated about his brother leaving he didn't show any resistance. He teared up while hugging No but blinked it back quickly before the later could see.

Now that Pear and Technic were officially blood bonded, she was going to stay with her mate.My sister annoyed me half the time and I'll never admit it out loud but I'll miss her. Ever her stupid seal like laughter.

"They're trusting you with something very precious to them. Take care of him okay, octopus." Saying so she released me from her bone breaking hug.

"I fully intend to."

"You hurt him or make him cry, I'll come hunting for you." Was the promise my lovely best friend made before I entered the car.

Techno was sleeping with his head on my shoulder, our fingers loosely locked together. All the crying must have exhausted him. I smiled and kissed the crown of his head.

The questions of whys were running in the back of my mind but I decided to focus all my attention on the beautiful human sleeping beside me.

One thing was clear though, No one, absolutely no one will ever hurt my mate and live to see the next sunrise.

Third person's pov

"How could you let him go dad?" Technic asked his father once they were in the confines of the office room.

"He knows about No."

"What?!But how?"

"He called me this morning saying he's coming to collect what's rightfully his. I don't know how that bastard found out. We have a traitor in the pack. Techno is no longer safe in here so I let him leave with his mate." The older male said in distress.

"I won't sit back and wait for him to show up. I'll find him before he dares to lay a finger on my brother."


Anyone still hanging around?
If yes then Thank You😭😭😭
Ah sorry for the short chapter and also for taking centuries to update. I got a little lost and lazy but my siblings managed to beat the laziness out of me with their words.

I'll try to write more and read less of other amazing fanfictions.

Question:Any Peraya here?

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