Chapter Four

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After threatening my life with the unexpected but very much welcomed embrace my mate decided to put my life in more danger and dragged me to his room.

I was momentarily blinded by how bright his room was, quite a contradiction to my lifeless black and white room. All four walls of his room was a different shade of yellow. I took in the pretty artworks hanging on the walls, the fairy light above his bed adding more splashes of colour to the already lively room. He had potted succulent plants, healthy and alive ones, placed in almost every flat surface. I am a witness to how fucking sensitive those things are. Water them, they die. Don't water them,they die. Breath on them, they die. My mom slipped into a dark period after killing hundreds of them.

My sight was not the only sensory affected. The closed space has intensified his sweet delicious scent and all I wanted to do was dive in and sniff every object in the room, starting with the very source of it.

My mate.

Who was busy stuffing his mouth with the sweet delights he sneaked in earlier. I would rather be stuffing it with something else. I dismissed the dirty thought immediately not wanting to sprout a boner right now.

I watched as he made a mess of himself and it took every ounce of my self control to not reach out and clean the corner of his cream smudged lips,with my tongue. Unaware of the inner turmoil I was fighting, he placed the now wiped out plate on the table and made a quick grab of some clothes, disappearing inside the bathroom leaving me staring after him.

Exactly ten minutes later, yes I was counting, he emerged from the bathroom clad in yellow pikachu shirt and boxers leaving his slender legs exposed for my eyes to hungrily feast on.

Fuck. He's planning my dead. And it's working.

My fingers twitched wanting to get a feel of his legs and see if they were as smooth and soft as they looked.

I snapped out of my lust filled mind and registered the hand on my wrist pulling me to the direction of the bed I tried to avoid looking at earlier. For obvious reasons.

He sat crossed legged while I sat at the edge, my upper body twisted sideways so I could look at him.

Shyly peeking at me from under his long curled lashes he whispered softly, " you're my Alpha."

Stupefied and distracted I could only stare. After getting no response from me he lifted his watery gaze to me and asked in a small voice, "Are you going to reject me and break our bond? "

I mentally smacked myself and shook my head vehemently at the absurd question accompanied by a loud "NO! "

I climbed on the bed, our knees touching. "I'll never do that, " I continued after getting my wits back. "I'm not leaving you even if I have to fight the whole world. I promise. "

He nodded wordlessly with his head hanging low, the tip of his ears turing pink.
I couldn't help but reach forward and take him in my arms. He went stiff for a moment but slowly relaxed in my hold. I couldn't help but take whiff at his bonding spot, inhaling his sweet smell.

"Papa won't let me leave the pack grounds. He said there are bad people out there who wants to hurt me. "

I tightened my hold on him "I won't let any harm come upon you as long as I live. "

"I'm sleepy, " He mumbled cutely. "Stay with  me please my Alpha. "

I couldn't refuse him even if there was a high chance my best friend would lose his shit and decapitate me in the morning if he were to discover me in his brother's room.

Which was exactly what happened minus the beheading part.

I woke up to curses being hurled at me while simultaneously being attacked by pillows.

"Ouch Nic stop. That hurts man! "

"No.I won't. Till your head falls off. I told you to stay away from him and you went ahead and did the exact opposite of it. "

"And I told you I wouldn't. "

"I'm gonna chop you into tiny pieces and feed them to the sharks! "

"I'd like to see you try. "

Our screaming match woke up the third person present in the room. I'm surprised the whole house hasn't rushed over to watch the uproar we were causing.

"Stop it. I'm about to lose my hearing with the amount of screaming my ears had to endure. " He complained loudly making the both of us shut up.

Nic shot me a glare and addressed his brother, "What the heck is he doing in your room No? "

"I asked him to stay with me last night, " Techno gave his brother a lazy smile. "Good morning Nic. "

Ignoring Nic's deadly glare he turned to me and offered a beautiful shy smile making my heart run wild in my chest. Before I could move my face muscles Nic hauled me out of the room and to my alloted one.

I flopped face down on the cold bed wanting to get the much needed sleep, thanking my sister for taking Nic away and saving me from his fury. Regardless of how much I loved sleeping next to my mate it was a frustrating night.

I was unable to get a wink of sleep because No kept on innocently rubbing his ass on my crotch making me rock hard. Whenever I tried putting some distance between us he'd wiggle his way back to me and close the distance I created. Moreover, my stupid brain decided to play the moment he called me his alpha in a loop which did not help my case at all.

I had a feeling I'd have to deal with blue balls for a long while.

A/n: Last week's episode of A chance to love again barely had Klano part and I'm so upset. I want to see more of them😭😭

Not edited. I'll do that later.

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