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" Whoa WHOA, You can't run around here with sticks you'll poke ya eye out." Mitch lifted his son and put him over his shoulder. " I bet you get that from your mother."
He walked in from the yard and through the house to the kitchen.
" Hey his feet is dirty and why is he holding sticks?" Lilian walked over to wiping her hands on her apron. She grabbed the sticks from the little boys hands as Mitch turned end pecked her on the cheek. " He was listening to his ancestors ."
Lilian raised a brow as she rubbed her fingers through Abraham's tight coils. " Dinner will be done in a minute. The ceremony was over an hour or so your brother and the others should be here soon."
Mitch kissed her cheek, " Great, we'll go wash then."
Lilian watched her husband carry her son to the upstairs. Watching them filled her heart with joy and such comfortable warmth. A chuckle escaped from her bosom as she placed her hand over soft kicking that was just a few under her ribs.
Evening came around and the gang was together around the table.
" Finally it's over . I can't believe it took this long."
Michael passed the roast over to Agatha was struggling to keep her now waist length golden locks out of her plate. Sam stood and waddle over to Agatha . "You're still not use to long hair . I don't see why you won't just cut it again." She gathered Agathas hair and began braiding it .
Agatha rolled her eyes and allowed sam to do as she please with her hair. " Should you even be standing right now, your gonna blow any minute."
Mudon stood as if that was his cue . ". That's what I keep telling her but she refuses to stay still." He got up and walked Sam back to her seat. She crossed her arms and pouted . " I'm not THE baby , I'm CARRYING the babies!"
"Exactly which makes it much more Important for you to relax, besides you are still baby to me." He kissed her hand and then took her plate and proceeded to make it.

Mitch pressed his lips together and squinted in their direction. " How is that I'm married with children and you too still manage to make me queasy from your cheesiness?"
Michael raised a brow. " Probably should have kept to yourself on that one ."
Mudon shrugged. " Yea sounds to personal for me to answer.
Lilian finally took her seat after she had placed all entrees on the table. " The things that man says usually are as senseless as he looks."
At that wine shot out of mudon's nose causing Him to choke and at the same time struggling to suppress his laughter. Agatha was beet red as she too was struggling to remain composed. Every one was humored by Lilian's remark except for the one shot at.
Mitch mumbled an apology to his wife then remained speechless, he pouted in embarrassment and began paying extra attention to his plate.

The evening ticked and with it continued long conversations about the past seven years. The scar Mitch still liked to show off. Their graduation photos. Their group wedding slide show and of course the long and tedious battle between the towns people and the Deans' and Chuwleedees'. Just this month the final trial weighed in the Chuwleedee's favor making the land the town resides on not  the Dean's ,but theirs . The dean's family still took care of work but atleast all was fair.

The evening continued to dwindle closer and closer to midnight with every one cuddled up in the living room. Little Dean was already put to bed.
A scary movie played in-front of them.
"Seriously Mitch , you being scared is more scarier than the movie itself!" Michael snapped.
Michael felt something wet on his leg. " Please tell me you didn't."
Mitch lifted his hands in surrender . "Not me."
Sam grunted and moaned to the left of them leaning on mudon's shoulder as she raised her hand.  " it was me, my water just broke."

Spear Forest Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon