Chapter fourteen

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Michael picked at his serving of fish . His gaze drifted from his food to Lilian then to his grandfather. It was strange seeing his grandfather in such a pitiful state. It made him wonder was his show back at the party just a front. The thought of him actually being a coward annoyed him.
Michael sighed and rubbed his hands through his new growth of hair.  " Grandpa we don't have all day, out with it."
Grandpa looked at his grandson. For A split second a glimmer of annoyance washed over him then fear resurfaced in his eyes once again.
He sat up and positioned himself comfortably. He cleared his throat but before he even got a word out a gust of wind blew over them , putting out the fire. Strange voices echoed through the trees as their branches rattled viciously amongst themselves.
Silence washed over them and at once Lilian stood on her feet. Though it was now pitch black a glimmer of moonlight gave everyone just enough vision to see her distressed expression.
She made her way to her bag and started undressing. " I loss track of time!" She mumbled. " How can I be so careless?" Just as soon as she was bare she became dressed it what seemed like sheet . It was the color of deep red, wine almost.
" What's going on?" Agatha whined .
Fastening her belt behind her Lilian made her way to other side of the camp site. She reached up to a branch and grabbed four wooden bracelets and a necklace.
" Lilian!" Sam called.
Lilian place one bracelet on each wrist and the other on her ankles and the necklace over head.
Suddenly another gust wind rushed over them bigger than the first, causing Lilian to almost lose her balance.
" He's here." She grunted .
Wiping the debris from their eyes the gang slowly looked about to see who or what Lilian was referring to.
The blood drained from mudon's face. Sam and Agatha was clinging to each other both desperately trying to remain conscious. Mitch and Michael were startled but was fairly used to it.
There before them stood the dead man himself,with the spear still lodge through his body. He wore a stone expression with booth arms folded. He looked nothing like a ghost or even a spirit. The only give away is that though the moonlight was dim it still was bright enough to cast a shadow for everyone, except him.
He took a few steps forward ,his footsteps made no sound. He continued until he was face to face with grandpa.
" How long has it been? Mr.Dean." His voice bellowed throughout the campsite and echoed through the forest.
Grandpa was speechless and shaking. He fell backwards on his hands and slowly began crawling backwards.

The man took a step forward as grandpa crawled back.
" Don't run now you lost your chance when you watched Michael push me to my death!"

" That's not true!" Grandpa stammered as continued to widen the distance.

Agatha and Sam looked between Mitch and Michael.
Michael rolled his eyes and Mitch couldn't help but smirk. " Yes when Michael was a newborn he murdered a grown man."
"Not even a newborn,My great uncle ; is also named Michael . You don't know him because well our family Barely speak of him . Apparently he disappeared before we were born."
"ENOUGH CHIT CHAT OVER THERE!" The man yelled. His voice brought the group back to reality and the little color they had gained was no longer . "I AM GOING TO DO WHAT YOU DID TO ME !" The man took one hand and grabbed near the head of the spear and with the other hand he gripped the spear where it was closes to his body.
With a strong yet slow tug the spear slowly slid through him from the front . It was strange though everyone knew he was dead you could here the ripping and churning of his flesh even blood began saturate the uniform he wore even more than it already was .
With one last tug he released the spear from his chest and pointed it at the gang. " as you watched your brother murder me," he swung the spear and pointed at grandpa. " I am going to make them watch me. KILL. YOU."
The man brought back his arm and aimed the spear at grandpa who was frozen. Mitch and Michael jumped to their feet and started making their way towards them. With one quick movement he shot the spear forward , grandpa braced himself.
A loud crack followed by a thud echoed. When grandpa opened his eyes he realized he was still alive. When he looked up to see what happened he was shocked.
There before him stood Lilian holding what looked like a wooden staff with a loop at the end. In that loop was the head of the dead mans spear. She had redirected the spear making it destination a half foot grave.

"I'm sorry grandpa but nana told me to send you to her once we met again."
Grandpa jumped to his feet with his hands raised in surrender. " Chuwleedee my friend ,allow me to explain!"
Lee grunted and snatched his spear free from Lilian's grasp. "YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE! LILIAN DONT GET IN MY WAY!"
Lee prepared to launch his spear again and this time instead of chucking it he swung it. Again he wasn't successful. Lilian blocked it and this time she swung her staff upward into a circle causing his spear to be swung out his grasp and into the ground a few meters away.
" look grandpa I'm not really too thrilled in sending you back this way either but with your attitude right now," Lilian spun her staff over her head then took aim at Lee's neck, " isn't leaving me much of a choice."
" Then if I have to go through my own granddaughter ," lee lifted his hand towards the spear. It shook and then vanished in. " Then so be it!" In a blink of an I the spear back in his grasp and the next thing everyone saw was Lilian and her grandfather were brawling with each other .
" We have to do something !" Sam yelled jumping to her feet. Agatha looked at her as if she was ghost too. " Are you crazy this is clearly a family fued . It's between them not us!"
Sam shook her head, " You're right it's family and she is my family."
On that note Sam jumped up and grabbed one of Lilian's swords and ran to her side. They stood shoulder to shoulder. . "Let me help you !"
"You're early!" Lilian blocked Lee's shot and took on herself but he dodged it. " on my mark go behind him and thrust the spear you're holding into his wound. As for the others have them place those white stones into circle around the camp site ."
Sam nodded. " but what about you ?"
Grandpa Dean stepped in between them. " Child do what she asked and we will keep him busy !"

At that ,Sam snuck away while Lilian and grandpa Dean continue to trade blows with lee.
Lee saw that a plan was brewing so at the last second he turned his spear at Sam. Lilian screamed and lunged for her. Mitch had been watching to closely and realized in a second what lee's plan was. He darted towards them . In the last few seconds lee changed the trajectory back at Lilian her back was an open target.
The head of the spear was a foot from penetrating Lilian's back but just before it made contact, she was shoved into Sam, hard.

As they fell to the ground they heard a cry of pure pain.
Lilian looked over her shoulder in horror.

Mitch had a spear lodge straight through him.

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