Chapter Ten

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"Will you just jump it's not even that high,I'll catch you."
"You catch me? You're smaller than me !"
Michael squeezed the window sill with both hands, his feet dangling out of the window. He felt something sharp poke his back.
" listen to your brother." The woman was urging Michael while frantically looking at the door, hoping no one would come in.
One would think Michael was used to heights. Since they were kids He and Mitch would climb to the roof many nights to escape. Michael himself would always scale Agatha's house like a ninja to get in and not be heard or seen by her dad and neighbors. It's assumed that maybe this situation is giving him more goosebumps than the jump he has to take from the second floor of his house.
"Dude if we get caught by our parents we're screwed." Mitch's voice barely passes as a whisper. Frantically he steps under the place where Michael may land. " For our parents sake please,jump."
Michael heaved air into his lungs and closed his eyes. Pushing off with his arms he jumped from his two story window and landed on top of Michael. Surprisingly he caught him, however his balance was lost with the impact and they both went crashing down.
The woman peered over the sill for her own landing spot. With a running start she launched herself out the window headfirst. For a long moment it seemed she like was soaring her body gracefully cutting through the air. The moonlight dancing on her skin, casting a shadow over the boys as she crossed them.At the last minute she forced her hips backwards and her legs followed causing her to flip upright ; landing confidently on her feet.
She turned towards them and crossed the two spears into a sleeve that was on her back. " Let's get moving ."

***Two weeks later ***

From one side of the room to the other Agatha scales and analyzes every pillow and picture frame of sam's and mudon's room. Sam watches,she isn't sure if she is being made fun of or praised for her decorating skills.
" What exactly are you trying to prove here?" Sam ask propping herself up on one of the many pillows on the bed.
Agatha stopped rummaging for a moment and looked at sam. " mudon." She responses dryly.
Sam furrow her brows. "He is right there."
Mudon is tucked away in a makeshift cubicle,studying away for an upcoming quiz. He pops his head up over the side of the bookshelf infront of him when his name is called. "Lookin for me?"

Agatha sighs, " Yeah you, but not you."

" Agatha you're not maki-"
Agatha lift flips up a chair and points to the legs ends.
" these rubber ends are maroon."
Sam raises a brow. " okay?"
" You hate maroon, I'm sure this is mudon's doing. So he helped decorate after all ."
Sams chucks a pillow at her. " you're ridiculous."
She catches it and tosses it back to her "Says the one who completely took over someone else's dorm room. Mudon you poor baby."
Mudon simply shakes his head and continued reading his notes. He agreed with Sam , Agatha nearly flipped the entire room looking for any sign that he had given any assistance into decorating the dorm room they shared. He admits Sam could be a bit over the top when It came to things like decorating though.
" if you're gonna be in here keep it down I'm trying to study."

Agatha stands to her feet ,grabs her bag and begin putting on her shoes." lucky for you I was just preparing to go. Am I going to see you two a t dinner?
"Nah mudon is cooking for me tonight, besides aren't you sitting with your new chess club mates?"
Agatha blows her bangs out of her eyes .Her hair had grown quite a bit since that haircut , her bangs reaching just past her eyes and the rest stopped a little above her jaw. Her hair color was still a strawberry red. " Almost forgot about that." She walks over to the door." Well anyways I'll see you guys then."
Mudon waved a hand and Sam mimicked.
Agatha turned on her heels and swung open the door.
Someone was standing in the doorway but Agatha didn't have enough time to stop herself. She crashed head first into the stranger and the two of them went down.
Embarrassed, Agatha scrambled to her feet and reached out a hand.
The stranger took it and stood to their feet. " You haven't changed bit, so clumsy. Agathaine king."
Agatha snatched her hand back and glared realizing who it was. "It's king to you.Emily."

Emily laughs and brush past Agatha into mudon's and sams room, before she could say anything a her face is met with a stiff pillow.
Emily stumbles backwards and looks around bewildered. Finally her focus is met with two dark orbs .
Sam gets up and put her hair into a ponytail, not once did she look away from Emily. " Emily. Lee. You better have a good reason showing your face here."
Mudon says nothing,he puts down his pencil and looks over his glasses.

Emily wipes her eyes and sighs. " You're still brute as ever . I broke up with Mitch not you,never understood why you choose her over me ;mudon."

leaning back in his chair he gives Emily an disappointed look. "I'm a cat person not dogs..particularly female ones.".
Agatha muffles a snicker. "Bitch." She whispered.

Emily roles her eyes. " Anyways as daughter of the fliming news group I came to deliver a special message just for you . Michael s Dean. Mitch s Dean ,are missing as of August 14th."

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