Chapter two

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"I know you're having a hard time with it being the anniversary and all."

Sam pulls mudon's arms tightly around her shoulders. They were sitting on her bed watching the night sky through a makeshift window in what started as a leak.

Mudon was propped up on her headboard, Sam lay between his legs with his hands wrapped around her.

"Yeah, the anniversary."

Silence washed over them and as it did mudon began to doze off. Sam noticed this, she turned around and crawled closer till their faces were centimeters apart.

"", she whispered. A name she gave him back when they first met yet she was the only one in possession of such privilege to call him that.

She kissed him, hard. The kiss gradually brought mudon back to her who then returned her gesture with a bit more passion.

He bit her lip and chuckled, "I thought you were asleep, princess."

"No, how could I mu?" She raised her hand and ran her fingers through his ginger brown curls. This caused her to catch a whiff of his cinnamon brown sugar shampoo. " you're still using that sweet-smelling shampoo I bought you for Christmas."

Mudon grabbed her hand from his hair and pulled it down so that it was now cupping his face. He kissed her wrist. Once, twice, three times. One for each scar, each in different healing phases.

"Of course." Mudon had hazel brown eyes with gray freckles sprinkled beneath them and almost pale skin. A heavy contrast compared to Sam who had mocha brown skin and straight black hair cut into a short bob. Her eyes were almost the same shade as her hair.

Sam leaned forward into his ear, " Can we?" She whispered.

"Is that what you want princess?"

She began nibbling his neck but didn't get too far before mudon pulled her back and looked her in the eyes. "Princess, speak."

"It is what I want ."

At that mudon lifted her tiny figure into his arms and kissed her.


The sound of clashing dishes filled the tiny kitchen signaling the family that dinner was nearly ready. Soon the table was set and there sounded the beckoning call of a mother for her children and the potato of a husband.

"Sweet, we are having meatballs," Beaming, Michael quickly pulled out his chair and prepped himself to dig in. He went for a spoon full but wasn't successful.

"Michael, you know the rules. Wait until everyone is seated." His mother scowled at him spoon in hand ready to deliver another blow if necessary.

Wearing an expression similar to a sad pup, Michael rubbed his reddening hand.

"And this is why I'm the better twin right mom?", Says Mitch as he pulls out his chair and takes a seat. That comment cost him just the same as Michael.

"I don't have a favorite nor do I think either is better than the other." Mom took her seat at one end of the table.

"I do."

Mom gasped and without a moment noticed chucked the spoon in the direction of the opposer, yet this time it was not as successful as the first two. Dad caught the spoon, took his seat, and placed it in the potato salad.

"Honey I'm kidding, let us eat."

She rolled her eyes as everyone began to dig in.


"You're home late."

Agatha said nothing to her father and made her way to her room but she didn't make it too far. Her hair became entangled into his grip and was launched back with such force she was sure she heard a pop in her neck.

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