First meeting gone very wrong

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One of the two new members mistakes Mina for someone she isnt, resulting in them having a way too dramatic first meeting

°• Mina's POV •°

"Boys!", I screamed as I entered the big practice room we were going to use to learn our next group choreo, including our two new members I have yet to meet.

"Noona, what?!", Haechan said in a fake annoyed tone when I walked over to the sofas to put my bag down. "Yah... you just wait.", I hissed quickly throwing off my thin jacket revealing my sleeveless top.

I didnt spend my surroundings any more attention as I ran towards and after Haechan, who tried hiding behind some of the older boys.

"Arent you too old to hide from your own fights?", I said in a jokingly serious voice when he peeked over Lucas' shoulder. The Hongkonger giggled while fixing his dark red hair in a manbun.

"Someone save me!", the 00'liner screeched running over to someone else and I jogged after him. "Sungchan help!", I heard the Main Vocalist scream. Sungchan? That was... who?

I watched confused as he hid behind a tall boy that was unknown to me. "She's the devil! She always hurts us.", Haechan whispered to the boy that looked like a deer to me, obviously trying to get the oblivious boy on his side.

And it worked.

When I came to a halt infront of them I bowed at the tall male. "Hello-", I was interruped by the deer boy. "I think you should leave.", his eyes turned into slits when he held his arm out on the side to keep me from getting to Haechan.

Taken back by his comment I only looked at him with wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry?", I asked confused feeling some of the boys' eyes on us already.
"I said, I think you should leave. Haechan Hyung obviously doesnt like you here. And he said you hurt them.", he insisted taking a step towards me now.

Quickly taking a step back I laughed nervously. "I think there is a-", I tried to explain myself but Haechan interrupted me causing me to look at him over Sungchan's shoulder.

"It's true! You should show her the way out. She always walks in here like she owns the place." My eyes were as wide as watermelons and my mouth stood open too. I was speechless at this point.

"I- Haechan are you kidding right now?", I questioned the boy slowly feeling the anger rise inside my chest. What is even going on right now?

"Haechan.", Taeyong called in a warning voice and I bet by now everyone was looking at the ridiculous situation going on here.
My arm shot forward grabbing Haechans wrist to pull him out of his hiding. I didnt make the deal with this new guy though.

His eyes seemed to darken from one second to another and he quickly gripped my wrist that held Haechan's arm tightly, very tightly.
"Ah ah ah!", I exclaimed in pain quickly bending my knees to somehow lessen it with a better angle.

"I said-", Sungchan started with a threatening voice but was quickly interrupted by the screaming of the other boys. "Yah what do you think you're doing?!"-"Let her go right now!"-"Yo what the fuck man?!"

Someones arm wrapped around my waist from behind and their other arm quickly ripped the new boys' hand from my body. Haechan was one of the boys who were pulling Sungchan away from me, his face full of shock now.

"Mina, you okay?", Yuta worriedly asked from behind me, he was the one holding me in his arms right now. I hissed gripping my arm and bending my knees to a crouch where I craddled it.

I gotta say, this aggressive new guy was pretty strong for his skinny appearance. In my mind I was silently praying I wouldnt have to work with him.

"Do you see what you did?", Yuta exclaimed standing behind me and pointing at the boy that was being held back by Haechan, Jaehyun and Jeno. "I-I-", his eyes seemed to soften as if he just realized what he actually did.

"Dude what the hell?", Mark said walking over to me and Yuta and together they pulled me up by arms.

"I- Haechan Hyung said she- she-", the boy stuttered and the others loosened their grip on his shoulders.

"She's one of our members Sungchan.", Taeyong stated before staring at Haechan. "And Haechan was playing a game with your mind. Guess he didn't expect you to react like this. No one did."

"Mina go get some ice for that.", Johnny said and pointed to the door. "I'll go get it!", Haechan exclaimed quickly, his face a worried mask.

I realized he probably wanted to do that because he felt bad, I didn't want him to feel that way though.

"Its okay Haechan. I can get it myself.", I reassured him, making him stop midway. My lips formed a soft smile and he pouted slightly. A honest pout.

"Come here.", I said and opened my arms for him. Quicker than I could register he wrapped his arms around my waist, shortly lifting me off my feet.

"Oh my god, okay enough.", I said quickly giggling when he squeezed me tightly. "I'm sorry Noona. I had no idea it would turn out like this.", he apologised and I sighed running my hand over his hair a few times. "Its okay baby. Don't worry about it. Im not mad at you.", I whispered in his ear strengthening my grip around his shoulders one more time before letting go.

"I really do need some ice now though.", I chuckled and on most of the boys' faces I could see the relieve of me not being seriously hurt.

"S-sunbaenim?", I heard someone stutter and turned slightly to see Sungchan standing next to me now.
I flinched slightly when he lifted his hand to fix the collar of his shirt.

My left hand went over my right arm that had a red imprint of his hand by now.

"Yes?", I said looking at him curiously.
"I-I don't even know what to say, I can't believe this happened.", he said quietly not daring to look into my eyes.

My heart broke slightly at the fear in his eyes and I bet the threatening stares of the boys didn't help.
Sighing I cursed my good side.

"Hey.", I said in a neutral voice making him look up at me with big eyes. "What you did was wrong, yes. Your intention wasn't though. As long as you won't use your surprising strength against me in the future and more for protecting the boys im fine with that."

He looked at me with wide eyes. "S-sun-", he started again looking completely starstruck.

I interrupted him. "No no. If you promise me that, you can call me informally. If I got that right you are one of us now. As long as you understand that hurting people just like that is not right, we can forget this. I don't want any bad blood. How old are you exactly?"

Some boys giggled at the baffled expression on the deer-like boy. "I was born in 2001, Sunbaenim."

My hand clamped over my mouth in exagerated shock and I held my arm out to hold onto the first thing I could reach. Which just so happened to be Lucas' stomach. "U good down there?", he joked and I looked at him.

"Oh boy." I quickly removed my hand with a giggle and Lucas laughed out loud. "As I wanted to say, in my obviously shocked state of mind-", my eyes fixed on Sungchan again. "Call me Noona then kiddo. It's all good as long as you learn from your mistakes."

With one last wink I quickly went to exit the room. "And that was our wise Noona, now you should run. The Hyungs don't look too happy.", I heard Haechan sigh, probably talking to Sungchan.

"Try again Haechan.", Johnny's voice said before I heard Haechan scream.
Guess they caught him. I smiled.


Not to make Sungchan out as an aggressive person, I just wanted to write a dramatic first meeting and since he adores our Haechan so much I went with this haha

Mina and Sungchan are on good terms dont worry♡
Hope you enjoyed, feedback is always welcome!

You did good today, remember to take breaks and rest from time to time.

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