일 ㅡ Overworked

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"Here are you schedules for the following months. Everyone check them and if you have any problems with them, let me know."

Our schedules were handed to us and I immediately felt the weight of the many papers when I had it in my hands.

All 24 of us started reading quietly and when most of the boys were done with their script I was only halfway which made me swallow.

'Cover shooting', 'NCT 2020 Album recording', 'Solo Album Preparations', 'NCT 2020 Jacket Shooting', 'Misfit MV', 'Make A Wish MV', 'Make A Wish Promotions', 'Dejavu MV', 'From Home MV', 'From Home promotions.'- and so on and so on.

When I was finally done, shortly after Taeyong and Mark, I sighed quietly massaging my forehead.

"Is there a problem Mina?", one of our Marketing Staffs asked and I shook my head quickly sitting up straight.

"Great. Now let's start with our meeting for NCT 2020. If anyone of you need help with understanding something feel free to ask. I'm sure Mina would love to help translate too.", they said kindly and wayv and shotaro nodded after a bit and smiled.

I gave them a thumbs up and they smiled at me.

My language skills were not super fluent but I was able to talk and explain a lot of things. I was taking english, japanese and cantonese classes here in our entertainment after they said I should know a lot of languages to support the team in general. So I agreed, to help the boys.
Even though all of Wayv had amazing korean skills already.

So we spent the next 5 hours in this conference room going through the group schedules with Yuta, Ten and me explaining a lot to Wayv and Shotaro. We didnt mind though. We'd rather spend a little longer and have everyone understand our future promotion plans than rush it.

When we were done we had to split up to go into our practice rooms already. Upon me entering the practice room with 127 we all put our bags to the side and waited for our choreographer to arrive.

While we did some stretches beforehand, I let my schedule go through my head again and sighed quietly. I was already feeling exhausted just thinking about it.

"So how many songs will you sing and perform?", Mark asked as a joke since he knew we both had some of the most packed schedules.

"Sing eleven and perform or film an MV for four.", I stated blunty and I heard him cough. "And you?", I said with a fake smile. He looked at me shocked.

"Well... I- Not as many as you?", was all he said. "Are you sure you can do this?" He seemed worried.

"I have to. And I will try my best for all of them.", was all I said and walked past him to the center of the room with a pat on his shoulder.

"Mina.", Mark said following me. "Please be careful. Dont overwork yourself. Let the company know if you cant do it." I know he was only worried but I needed to do this. I somehow needed to prove that I am worthy of being in this group as the only girl, even if they added more male members.

The company once said they liked my voice in the songs. It gave it a little special something. So I felt proud of that. I will show everyone that I can work even harder and ace this comeback.

"Don't worry Mark. I will be careful and I know all of you guys are here to take care of me too.", I said softly to him and he nodded still looking a little worried. He quickly sidestepped over to me to give me a soft kiss on the side of my head.

With a grin he distanced himself again. "You smell."

I looked at him outraged. "What?!" He started laughing loudly and I slapped his shoulder. "Yah!" I laughed with him, feeling the gazes of the other members on us.

"No argueing!", Doyoung demanded jokingly and we both went "Yes, dad.", making everyone laugh.

After we finished our practice Mark, Haechan and I went over to dreams' practice room. Their practice started now so that the three of us could join.

"Mina Noona!", Chenle exlaimed excitedly when we entered the room with our sport bags. "Babiiieeesss!", I screeched extra loud and the boys laughed.

We put our bags down and watched the dreamies do some stretches while we drank something and wiped our sweat from the other practice. Because the three of us were definitely warmed up.

"I'm glad we are back here.", I said to Mark watching Haechan run towards Jeno to jump on his back. "Me too. Me too.", Mark said with a soft smile before we both joined the younger ones for the practice.

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