이 ㅡ Overworked

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A week went by with me basically only working. Practice, recordings, practice, shoots, more recordings and more shoots for our new album. And constant practice.

When we got home on sunday evening I barely managed to get up the stairs because my whole body was hurting. After finally getting into our bathroom to take a shower, I just stayed under the warm stream of the water for an hour.

Today my last practice was with 127 so I would be staying in their dorm.

I didnt even realize how the time flew until I heard someone knock on the bathroom door. "Mina? We need to shower too.", I heard Taeil say and I could hear that he was tired too.

I felt sorry for taking too long so I quickly turned off the water and replied: "I'll be out in 5! Sorry Oppa."

He hummed and I made sure to dry myself and get dressed as fast as I could. My hair was still wet in a towel and I was wearing one of my grey leggings and one of Taeyong's shirts I found in my room.

When I exited the room Taeil was still standing in front of it waiting for me. "I'm sorry...", I said quietly holding my old clothes infront of me. He smiled softly. "It's fine. Sometimes you forget the time in the shower. Go rest.", he gently tapped my shoulder and entered the bathroom.

I went into Jaehyun's room, I was usually staying in his or Yuta's room, and put down my stuff. After putting my glasses on and grabbing my phone I walked downstairs into the living room to sit on the couch.

My eyes were already drooping and I could feel my heavy body again that was soothed by the hot water for a bit.
Some of the boys were there already, while others were in the kitchen to eat some dinner. I personally wasnt hungry. Maybe it was because I was so tired.

"Mina! You want some food?", Taeyong called when he saw me flop down on the couch next to Yuta. "I'm okay, thank you.", was all I said giving him a thumbs up.

Yuta, Jungwoo, Johnny and Mark had turned on the TV and were watching Knowing Bros while I was just sitting there halfheartedly concentrating on it.

I stood up for a second to open my hair and handdry it a bit with the towel. Too lazy to put it away I laid it in my lap after I fell back on the couch. I yawned and rubbed my eyes under my glasses.

Yuta gave me a side glance and I smiled at him shortly before cuddling into his side. He accepted me with open arms, literally. My head rested on his chest and he didnt seem to mind my wet hair on his sweater. With my legs pulled close to me I let them fall against his right thigh.

We stayed like this watching TV but after a few minutes I felt myself falling asleep already.

●3rd Person POV●

Yuta felt Mina's glasses press into his chest so he looked to check on the girl lying in his arms. She had fallen asleep.

"Aw.", he cooed for a second causing a few of the boys to look over to them. "Aw did the princess fall asleep?", Johnny cooed looking at her.

None of them realized how tired she actually was. "Can someone help me take her glasses off? And maybe put this wet towel away.", Yuta asked and Taeyong immediately came over from the open kitchen where he had just finished his dinner.

Taeyong gently lifted the girls' head letting it rest on his hands while Yuta took off her glasses. After lying her head back onto Yuta's shoulder Taeyong look the towel from her hands scared she might wake up but the girl didnt move an inch.

This actually surprised the boys since she usually had a pretty light sleep. "Oh she's still asleep?", Johnny asked surprised when Mina still laid there with her mouth slightly opened now.

Taeyong chuckled at her and stroked her wet hair shortly before leaving to put away the towel. "I guess she was really tired.", he said when he entered the living room again and took a seat in their armchair.

"She is.", Mark who was sitting at the side deadpanned. "She is really tired."

All hyungs looked over at him since it was the first time he had spoken since Mina had entered the room. "What do you mean?", Jaehyun who was standing next to the sofa on Mina's side asked giving the girl a worried glance.

"Dont you see all the work the company is making her do? She does even more than Taeyong hyung or Haechan and me.", he sighed running his hand through his hair.

"How many hours do you think she has spent at home this week?", the Canadian asked his elders and they heard Taeil walk downstairs. He joined their conversation after they explained it to him quickly.

"She has been out and about all week. Always practicing or even getting called out of practice to record a song, resulting in her having to practice on her own afterwards. She studies her lyrics at night and barely gets any sleep. The dreamies told me they caught her on the balcony a lot.", Mark explained and the boys nodded slowly.

They now knew they had to take better care of her. They didnt realize just how much work she was doing. Ofcourse they were all working hard but she hasnt shown anyone her schedule.

They really only saw her during practice and today since she originally stays with the dreamies.

"We had no idea...", was all Taeil said looking at their poor girl. Yuta had slowly started to draw circles on her back to help her relax.

Mina was consumed by darkness which made her feel relieved that it wasnt a nightmare today.

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