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"Who is the most ... NEO?", Mina asked herself staring at the back of the booth with a blank expression. "NEO?"

"Uhhhh...", the girl with the light blonde, almost white hair, hummed to herself. "Mark? TEN?" She said the second name a little too loud making some of the boys turn their heads towards her at the booth. They only saw the back of her head and giggled. 

"Okay, Mr. Chittaphon is NEO. He's just cool you know?" She did a peace sign at the camera with a duckface before staring at it blankly. "I'm so embarrassing wow." Shaking her head the girl went on to question number two. 


"Who do you think has the same preferences as you?", she read from the paper before tapping her chin. "I'm not sure... I never really took that into notice and I could always find someone who would do the same things as me so..." Mina slowly turned around, her back facing the cameras now. It switched to the side camera so her side-profile could be seen. 

"Members!", she called while cupping her mouth with her hands. "Huh?", Lucas responded crossing his arms over his chest. "This is a serious question. Black, blue or green?", her expression was so serious some of the members laughed. 

A few responded with blue, most saying black while one person responded "Why not red?". The blonde girls' head snapped towards the boy that flinched seeing her sudden action. "OKAY!", she screamed turning back to her paper leaving all of the boys clueless even though the ones who had taken the test yet, could guess which question it was. "Okay Yangyang...", she whispered while writing it down as her answer.


"What is this... You cant ask me this!", she exclaimed when she read the next question. "This will ruin all my 23 relationships. Okay 22 since I have to name one." Not turning around the female screamed: "I love you!", as loud as she could while writing her answer. The boys just gave her a few weirded out expressions. Giggling she held up her paper to the camera while doing a little dance. It said 'Jaehyun' in bold letters. "My husband.", she said giving a wink to the camera.


"Who laughs the most?", Mina asked and thought for a second. "I mean, do you really not know?" She sighed in fake disappointment while shaking her head before quickly writing down 'MORK, Haechan'. "They laugh so much and their laugh is so cute I feel like dying every time." Giving the camera a forced smile she whispered: "They're so damn loud my ears feel like they're about to bleed." When she wanted to move on to the next question she did a double take. "Oh my god and Jeno. How could I forget my eye-smile baby." 


"Anyone of them?", she asked confused. They question was 'Who do you wish you could switch lives with?'. One of the staff members motioned for her to explain it. "Uh... cause they're all... guys?", she didn't mean to blush but she knew everyone would take it the wrong way. "Not in the way you guys think but I guess if I have to choose... Taeyong oppa? Or... Ten? Or Jaehyun? But Taeyong because have you seen how beautiful and talented that man is? But then again I dont think I would be able to handle all of us. But Tens high notes just take me to heaven und so do his dance moves. Plus, he's as flexible as a gummy bear. Or Mark? I'll just go with Ten."


"Why are there so many?", the 98-liner whined letting herself fall into a crouch because her left knee started to hurt from all the standing. The staff motioned for her to get back up so she did so, groaning. "Who do you think will have the best chemistry with you?", she read from the paper. "I have pretty good chemistry with all of my members. SO, all." Ignoring the annoyed face of the staff next to the booth she smiled brightly into her camera fixing the hair framing her face.


"Who do you keep thinking is very interesting?" Mina had to think for a second but quickly wrote down: "Xiaojun. Talent and personality wise. He is a very interesting and talented person and he has a lot of different charms. But please show everyone lots of love since they are all amazing and talented people!"


"I bet some of the members wont get this question. Hidden weirdo in NCT? Him. Yes, the one you're thinking off right now. Him. That guy. Seriously everyone in NCT is not sane so... whoever you think is normal, he's the hidden weirdo to you."


"Whom I would like to travel with in ten years? Everyone. By then SM can just book a whole plane for us and our 100 members.", she giggled.


"Which person comes to your mind right now? JENO!"-"What is it noona?" The girl turned around shocked seeing the boy standing next to her. "What are you doing here?"-"You called me.", he responded with a teasing smile and she gently hit his forehead. "Get out of here baby. And that's how you summon a wild Jeno everyone, be me and call his name.", she winked at the camera knowing how many fans would be annoyed by that statement. In the background you could see Jeno give her a fake disgusting look while walking away. She laughed.

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