New project

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"Of course they had to put me in this new project.", I thought.

I already had so much work. But I was sort of excited. This meant I could see him again. "Concentrate Sree", I thought,

"He probably has a girlfriend, he was so smart and he won't even care about me", I sighed. 

"But, why do I care about that. Why am I thinking about this. ", I shook my head and continued with my work.

"Move ", shouted a girl and she pushed my chair to get to her place. She stared at me.
That was Malini, she hates me, I'm not sure why but I think she is jealous of me. She wanted this new project, but Hari gave it to me. I wanted to reply to her but thought talking to her would be a waste of time.
My colleague, Priya came to my desk.

"Hey the new project client is so hot, all the girls are talking about him. Some are jealous you get to work with him", she said.

" Ohh, I think he is sort of cute", I said.

"Just cute?, I saw him when he came to office yesterday, and I was like wow", she said.

I laughed. Of course all the girls would have thought the same. He must have a huge fan base. Priya was a good friend, the only person in this office who speaks well to me. But sometimes she is too talkative.

"Cool pri got work to do, will catch up at lunch", I said.

"Hmm.. Come on Sree a few mins..What was his name -Vikram kumar. Let's search" , she pouted and looked at me with gleaming eyes.
I looked up at her for a moment.
" Go ahead", I said.
She smiled and quickly opened her fb account and searched.
"Wow sree look at this", she showed me.

I looked into her phone. His pics were very good, and he looked good and smart in every single one of them. There was one with his mother I guess.. And some with a group of friends. Then I took her phone and typed his name on google, remembering he was on some magazine. google images sported up some of his photos from the magazine clip. I opened the magazine link and read it.

"Young Entrepreneur successful in a short term", it read.

They had mentioned about his company idea and vision, I got to know his father was an entrepreneur too but Vikram didn't want to join his company. He was against it as he wanted to start his own company. It was quite impressive. "

"Great isn't it", Exclaimed Priya.

"Sree.. How about while working on the project you become good friends with him and then you can introduce me", she said.

" Friends? I don't even know if I'll get a chance to speak to him", I laughed. She shook her head.

" Oohh of course you can, got some work now, See you later then", she said and left to her place. "

"Friends, was that really possible.." I took a screen shot of his photo and sent to my 2 best friends, Raya and Akshara.

My project started the next week.

It was tiring though, so tiring that I almost forgot about the client. Once a week, I got to hear Vikram's voice over call. His words commanded authority and he was very intelligent. He knew everything about our work and even advised us. 

I was in the call, though I didn't have to speak with him. That was my managers job. I remembered what Priya asked me. "Friends? ", I don't even get to talk.

I unconsciously looked forward to the weekly call, just to hear his voice. I realized that, only when the call was cancelled one week and I felt disappointed. I was surprised.
Every call when he said good morning, I would reply " Good morning", with the call on mute.

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