The party

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I got ready for the party at night, held by the company. I had a new dress which I had bought. It was black , floral and reached my ankles.

I wore my makeup and looked into the mirror. I was enjoying this business trip.

I waited in the reception for Vikram and Ramesh. My mouth opened when I saw Vikram. He had a suit on as usual, but this one looked different.. He looked dashing.

He caught my eye and smiled at me.

The party was huge, I had never been to such a party before. There were many people who were spectacularly dressed.

Vikram went and greeted many people. Seemed like he knew a lot of them.
Ramesh went to drink cocktail as soon as he saw that.

They left me alone! I searched for a chair and sat down. There was music around and people were dancing too.

My eyes searched for Vikram. He was still talking to people. Two ladies came to him and he was speaking to them too.

"Why did I even come here for? ", I thought.

I went over to eat some snacks and sat back. Vikram was nowhere to be seen.

I noticed a guy coming towards me,
" Hii lady, it's such a great night for such a hot girl like you to be seated",

He raised his hand. "Feeling alone huh? Come dance with me", he offered.

" No, I'm not interested", I said and turned away. "

He came near me and sat.

"Come on just once ", he said.

I got up to move away and he came behind me.

Then I felt strong hands pull me, and I saw Vikram.

He pulled me towards him.

" Hey, she is with me, you may leave", he said to the guy. The guy gave a look at Vikram, and went away.

"What are you doing there alone?" , he asked

"Not that I had any other choice", I said.

He sighed " Ok.. Come with me.. "

A waiter offered us cocktails and Vikram rejected.

"You don't drink? ", I asked.

" Remember my father story, I hate alcohol because of that", he said.

Vikram talked to few people and introduced me as his employee. A few girls gave me jealous looks.

We were talking to a guy named Paul.

"You two should shake a leg, come on dance", he said.

We looked around. It was couple's dance and now it was ballroom dances.

Vikram chuckled. . " Ballroom dance like waltz.. No way", he said.

"Come on find a random partner dance, it's fun man, hey you have a partner here ", Paul said and pointed at me and went to dance.

I smiled seeing all the people around me dancing.

" So.. Do you want to dance with me", Vikram asked

"Was he serious!", I looked into his eyes to see if he was joking, but he was not.

He raised his hand out.
" I.. I don't know how to do these.. ", I said.

" Just follow the steps of others.. I'll lead ", he said.

" You know it? " I asked.

"Not much, but I've tried when I was in US", he said

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