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He looked at me irritated.

"I know ", he said

" Did you take medicine? You haven't eaten? ", I asked

" Please leave,.. I'm tired and I don't feel like eating", he said

Should I leave him like this, how could I?

I went to the kitchen, to get the food..
Hmm maybe some soup would be good ...
I made some tomato soup.

I also boiled water.. I entered his room, with the tray of food, his eyes were closed..

"Get up Vikram", I said

He opened his eyes, groaning..

" What are you... What is that, I told you that I don't want to eat", he said

I moved close and sat on the bed side, near him..

"Eat before sleeping, and did you take the tablet? ", I asked

" Why do you care? Go away", he said coughing..

I took the soup and blew on it, as it was hot... I took it to his mouth, mentally praying that he doesn't act rude..

He looked at the soup

"You made this? Why do you have to? ", he asked

" Just don't talk and have this", I said

He looked at me and opened his mouth and I fed him some soup..

And I fed him 2 more spoons..
Then he held my hand, where i was holding the spoon..

"I'll.. Eat", he said and I handed him the spoon and the bowl..

I stayed there looking at him..


Why did she do this for me? Why did she have to make the soup..

It tasted good.. Why does she care about me... It would be easy if she didn't, but I could see the concern in her eyes.. It hurt me..

Hate me! It would be easy for me!
She then handed over the plate of food and forced me to eat..

"Did you take medicine? ", she asked

" No", I said

She went to my drawer and searched for the first aid box I had, she took out crocin and handed it to me.
"This is hot water here, have it", she said

I took the tablet.. Why did she even give me hot water..

" Sleep well, you needn't go to office tomorrow, call me if you need anything " She said and stood up to leave..

Some part of me wanted to hold her arm, and ask her not to leave, the lonely part..
But I closed my eyes..

In the morning, I woke up to her... Opening the curtains.. She had brought a breakfast tray..

"Why.. What's", I asked opening my eyes

I looked, the time was 10 am, didn't she go to office yet..

" Eat, are you fine? ", she said and touched my forehead... Her hand felt cold against my head..

" It's still hot, check the temperature ", she said handling me the thermometer

Why is she doing this? Is she acting nice?
Is she manipulating me?

" Why are you so concerned? You didn't go to office? " I asked.

Accidental AttachmentWhere stories live. Discover now