Human hearts

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2 weeks later

It was a Saturday
I was listening to a song, my favorite one.. Then a notification popped up. Vikram, wow. He was messaging me on watsapp.
My heart started beating so fast.
Why was he texting me. I opened the message. It was a photo of Anya with her father.

Vikram : Anya is fine, she is with her father. She wanted to see you. Every time I went to the court  she asked me for you. I guess you should go visit her sometime.

Sree: ya I'll go visit her, can you send me her address, how did the court proceedings go?

Vikram : will send in a bit, it was good, her father will get the custody soon

Sree: good, poor girl,..

Vikram : hmm

He sent me the address. I've never done something like this before. I don't know why, I felt like seeing Anya. I've never felt connections towards children. But I liked Anya, somehow.
I took my purse and decided to go see her right away. On the way I got her some chocolates.

I rang the bell and waited. No one opened for a while. Then the door opened and I looked up, it was Vikram.
He was wearing a black shirt. His stubble seemed neatly trimmed and he opened his mouth on seeing me.

I was speechless for a second. He seemed surprised too.

"I didn't think you would come so fast", he said.
" You.. Your here too? ", I asked.

"Ya Sree I'm helping Anya's father with the proceeding in the case you didn't notice. ", he said.

He moved away from the door and gestured for me to enter. As soon as I entered Anya's father and Anya arrived.

Vikram introduced me to her father. As soon as Anya saw me she came running and hugged me. I hugged her back.

" How are you Anya, ", "chocolates for you", I said and gave her the bag.

" Again chocolates, she can't eat that much !", Vikram said.

"Well it's not for you, ", I said

The evening went good, Anya's father went to cook us some snacks. Vikram went and helped him cook.
They made coffee too.  Vikram took a cup and came towards me.
" Here", he said handing over the cup to me.
I noticed he had a different watch today, I took the cup from his hands and sipped.
Mmm.. It actually tasted very good.

I noticed he was still standing in front of me.
"What? ", I asked
He raised his eyebrows. " Well how is it? ", he asked

" Why, do you suddenly want to know my opinion ", I asked him curiously.

He looked at me. I expected him to reply, but he shook his head lightly and went back into the kitchen.

Anya was so happy and showed us her toys. I took her toy penguin and was examining it.
I noticed Vikram eyes were on me and put the penguin back in its place.

We left in the evening.
Vikram waited with me till my cab came.
I asked him to leave but he didn't.

There was an awkward silence. I looked at him. He was  looking at his phone.
" You are so good with kids, old people , but why do hate me so much, why do  never believe me when I said I never did anything you blamed me for. 

And you changed my life the way you wanted and I'm here speaking with you as if nothing happened."

I looked into his eyes. He looked at mine. " What do you see, do I look like I'm lying", I said.

One second I saw hesitation in his eyes then a different reaction , his eyes were so beautiful.
 I felt I could stare into them forever, then his reaction changed to anger and that snapped me out of my trance.

" Look I don't know what games you are playing Sree, if you think I'm going to get manipulated by your innocent sweet words, you got the wrong person", he said .

"Actually, you know what, I feel sorry for you Vikram sir", I said shaking my head. The cab came and I entered without looking at him.

I stared at the cab. Sree, the way she looked when she told me that.. Could she lie that convincingly. Why am I thinking about her words. The dream.. I recollected it, her eyes.. "Eyes are the windows to the soul", she had told.

"But people can lie and act, What...what if there was one percent chance that she was right", "no.. It can't be..., she must be manipulating me",...

At the beginning I was sure about everything, very clear in my decisions, I had hired her to punish her, but I realized as time went, I didn't think about that anymore, I had become more confused than anything..

That night too, I got the same dream,

Sree.. Looking into my eyes.. "Do you think I did it", she said. Her eyes the sincerity, was she lying, if she wasn't , I had punished an innocent girl. I woke up

Why did I get such a dream. My heart was beating fast. The time was 5 am,. I went to take a quick bath and prepared some breakfast. Then I called my new assistant.

" Jenny, call Mr hari, I need some cctv camera videos from his office, tell him to call me immediately ", I said

At least now, when I have proof, Sree won't be able to lie anymore. My mind would be clear.

Will Vikram be able to find out the truth finally?

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