chapter seventeen - the Basset Ball

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Aurora hated to admit it but she was somewhat excited for the Basset Ball

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Aurora hated to admit it but she was somewhat excited for the Basset Ball. Daphne had quickly become renowned for the balls she and Simon threw, and Aurora was excited at the prospect of catching up with her childhood friend the Duke of Hastings.

She also relished in the prospect of seeing the Viscount Bridgerton in his evening dress - after her conversation with Julius two days prior her feelings for the eldest Bridgerton were steadily growing.

She was yet to see him, however she had had the pleasure of dancing with both Colin and Benedict Bridgerton which was (as always) an eventful affair.

Whilst Colin always made sure to keep her on her toes with energetic and peculiar dance moves, her dances with Benedict were perhaps the more humorous as the two had a tendency to pretend to be snobbish aristocrats. Having danced with both at nearly every ball of the season, their ridiculous escapades were becoming a regular part of any ball.

Although she had not yet spotted the eldest Bridgerton, he had most certainly seen her. He could not held but chuckle at her silliness with his brothers. It was nice to see them so happy considering the stress they were all under from their mother and her suggestions of matrimony.

Indeed, he had half a mind to ask her hand for the next dance had not Reginald Harding got their first.

Reginald Harding. At first Anthony had felt no concern or particular emotion toward the man, however, he was become increasingly insufferable.

It was quite clear to Anthony that the young Lady Grey - although she was fond of him - did not wish to marry the Lord Harding. And so Anthony could not help but feel annoyed at Reginald’s frequent attempts to woo the woman.

“Lord Harding, I fear you do not have the same passion for dancing as you do for other pastimes. You look positively feverish!” Declared Aurora to the man.

They were halfway through a line dance and Reginald was still clearly uncomfortable.

“Perhaps you might prefer if we sat down and talked instead?”

The suggestion seemed a wise one, especially for poor Aurora’s feet which would likely be black and blue tomorrow from all the bruises she had sustained thanks to Reginald’s terrible dancing skills.

“That does sound like a rather good idea” came his awkward response.

Aurora was quite aware that there was something troubling him but she feared it would be impertinent to ask him. Finally she could take it no longer.

“Lord Harding are you quite well? I fear there is something on your mind this evening!”

Harding turned to her with a smile, grateful for her concern.

“It is nothing that will not resolve itself soon, my Lady, I assure you. I will be all the better for it tomorrow I hope.”

His answer confused Aurora even more. In fact, she was sat pondering this riddle of a response when the Viscount Bridgerton suddenly appeared before her.

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