chapter thirty nine - the beginning of a honeymoon

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Following her conversation with Daphne, Aurora was called upon by her brothers who, it seemed, had been searching for the two for some time

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Following her conversation with Daphne, Aurora was called upon by her brothers who, it seemed, had been searching for the two for some time.

William had practically dragged her down the stairs and back into the hall where the rest of the ton was stood waiting. They peered up at her and Aurora could not help but think how menacing they seemed.

The crowd parted as her mother made her way to the bottom of the staircase where Aurora was now stood. She held a bright smile on her face, clearly proud to see her only daughter married.

Despite the fact that Lady Grey was aware of the circumstances surrounding the marriage, she seemed to be under some kind of misconception that the two were actually in love.

'What a joke,' Aurora thought.

Before she had an opportunity to dwell on the matter, her mother embraced her in a tight hug, whispering into her ear.

"I am so very proud of you, little star. You have a bright future ahead, and we will always be there with you."

Her words were intended to comfort the young girl, but instead they just made the knot in her stomach grow. From this day onwards she would have a new role, new duties, a new family.

The thought made her sick.

In something of a daze, Aurora was led to the carriage outside Bridgerton House where her new husband stood awaiting her. A feeling of dread overcame her, worse than the knot she had experienced prior.

He looked so very austere. There was an absolute coldness to him person that Aurora had not anticipated, he seemed so much warmer and more welcoming earlier. Clearly something had changed his mood.

She wondered if somehow Daphne had told him about their previous conversation. Maybe he was angry at the prospect of not being able to consummate the marriage?

Regardless, he remained entirely silent with a scowl across his face as she said good-bye to their two families. The only time when he openly acknowledged the others was a harsh nod toward Simon Basset.

Therefore, once the carriage dirt had been shut and final au revoirs made, Aurora was left with a sense of absolute discomfort. This was not helped by the realisation that she had no idea where exactly they were headed.

After studying her new husband for several moments, she felt compelled to speak. He may have been comfortable spending the entire journey engrossed in his copy of The Trial and Death of Socrates, but she was most certainly not.

"I was not told where we are to spend the next week. Perhaps you might be so kind as to enlighten me?" The poor girl tried her hardest to appear as civil as possible. But Anthony simply glared at her in response.

She presumed he was going to answer the question and was collecting a list of possible reasons why he might be so hostile to her when he finally spoke.

"We have a small country estate near a town called Rugby where we will be staying. It is at least four hours by carriage." His tone was clipped and upon finishing. He returned his attention to the book.

Aurora, however, was not content with his answer. The Viscount's cool reception had quite frankly gotten on her nerves. She saw no reasoning for it and, therefore, found it most rude.

"Is there a particular motivation behind your present behaviour or is this what our marriage is to be from forthwith?" She knew her tone and words were harsh but she did not care. As long as it caught his attention she was perfectly happy to continue.

Anthony - although somewhat taken aback by her attitude - attempted to maintain his stony façade.

"I do not know what you mean?"

Aurora sighed and he could tell she was becoming agitated.

"Do not play games with me!" She demanded.

The Viscount finally removed his gaze from the book and looked at her. "I am not playing any games, Aurora. I simply wish to read my book. In silence, preferably."

She gave him her most scary glare possible.

"I do know why you are choosing to be so impossible but I do not care for it."

"Is that so? Well, this is certainly going to be a joyous occasion then." Came his sarcastic retort.

In truth, Anthony's sudden change in reception toward his new wife had come from his own volition. Seeing her look so beautiful and awe inspiring earlier on in the day had made him realise how much he loved her. At first, he had relished in this discovery for he thought he could be happy. But then he remembered himself.

He had no place for love within his life. Not romantic love anyway. It was true, he held a great familial love for all the other Bridgerton's, however with Aurora it was different. He was a Viscount with responsibilities and duties. Furthermore, he had upcoming plans to expand into business and grow the Bridgerton fortune. Whilst these plans excited him, he was aware that he would have no time in the future for such pleasures as love. Therefore, it was in his best interests to leave his wife to whatever it was she did all day, and to only partake in her company during occasions such as mealtimes and, at some point, intimate relations.

In truth, he secretly found something humorous in Aurora's annoyance toward him. Perhaps it was the growing tension between them.

No words were exchanged between the two for the rest of the journey. Instead a battle of glares ensued.

Aurora could not wait to escape the carriage so that she could express her full anger at the stupid Viscount currently sat opposite her.

She was now more determined than ever to unravel the inner workings of his complex mind.


My dear readers,

You will see that things are not off to a great start within the marriage. I had initially anticipated making them more open and romantic, however, I thought some tension between the two might be nice. Further, I can certainly imagine Anthony being a little reticent about the prospect of being alone with his new wife.

I hope you are all well and enjoying this turn in their tale.


Valentina x

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