chapter fifty six - a resolution

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Aurora was pacing back and forth across Anthony’s study when the duo returned to the house, a look of immense frustration on her features as she muttered out example explanations she might offer him.

When the door burst open she halted and nearly jumped in fright as the Duke and the Viscount entered the room.

“I have heard a ridiculous story from your husband and now I’d like to her the truth from you, Aurora?” He asked her.

Anthony was now stood a little behind him and the two came across like snakes ready to interrogate their pray. This did not help the situation.

“I didn’t do anything I swear-“ she started but was promptly cut off again by Hastings.

“Start at the beginning, but first... take a seat,” he gestured to the armchair by the fireplace and waited for her to sit down before he continued, “why was he here?”

Aurora glanced at Anthony who was still hovering by the entrance. Simon, however, had now seated himself on the armchair opposite her own.

With a deep breath, Aurora began telling them the truth. She was furious that she had to do so and was also greatly upset at the prospect of the society which had so excited her begin shut down.

“He was helping me tutor a group of young women,” she whispered.

“Pardon?” Asked Anthony as he made his way closer so that he might be able to hear.

“I said he was helping me tutor a group of young women. I had set up a society for female members of the ton who were interested in pursuing their education. We were to meet up four times a week here. Your sister was one of them, and Penelope Featherington too. There were around twenty in total, although I had hoped to expand it further.”

She muttered the last phrase for fear that it would further anger the Viscount.

“He was teaching them science. I would have done it myself only I hardly know anything of the subject. The only reason why he was still here when you arrived was because he was congratulating me.” She broke into a sob, devastated at how the whole affair had turned out.

All Aurora Bridgerton had wanted was the chance to educate women.

Simon breathed out a heavy sigh and flickered his gaze upward to look at Anthony who currently had a particularly embarrassed expression on his face.

“I - er - if that is true then I am sorry,” he muttered.

“No it is my fault. I will stop the meetings at once, I am sorry to have embarrassed you in such a way, my lord,”

She rose to her feet and made for the door that she might escape before she completely broke down.

But she was stopped by a hand clasping gently around her wrist. It was loose enough that she could escape if she wanted to

Except she didn’t want to.

So she let the hand pull her into her husband’s chest as she cried.

“You will do nothing of the sort, my love,” he whispered gently in an attempt to calm her emotions. Seeing his wife looking so... vulnerable made his heart clench - especially at the thought that it was he who had cause this pain.

“Not that you need my permission, but I would like for you to continue this endeavour of yours.”

It took a moment for his words to register with her, but once they did she snapped her gaze so it locked with his.

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