chapter sixty one - Doctor Lumet

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"You know Aurora, I do not know if anyone has mentioned it, but this past month you have looked remarkably radiant

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"You know Aurora, I do not know if anyone has mentioned it, but this past month you have looked remarkably radiant. In fact, it was half the reason why I asked you to sit for me," commented Eleanor Hayward as she sat in front of her easel painting the girl in question.

A month had now passed since her introduction between Julius and Arabella, and she was delighted at how well they seemed to be getting along. They had been close as children but now it seemed their relationship was shifting in a different direction.

She certainly approved.

A light blush graced Aurora's cheeks at her friend's comment.

"I think you are mistaken, but I thank you anyway," here she paused, uncertain as to whether or not she should continue.

"May I tell you something in confidence, Eleanor?"

Miss Hayward put down her paintbrush and smiled gently, "of course."

The viscountess let out a sharp exhale.

"In truth, you are not the first person to have said something of that sort. Several others have mentioned it - even Anthony. And I know that this may not seem at all remarkable but..." here her voice dropped to little more than a whisper, "I feel different."

Eleanor frowned.

"How so?"

"I cannot explain it. Only that I feel like something has changed within me?"

The painter thought for a moment and briefly scanned her friend up and down before she let out a gasp of realisation.

"What is it?" Asked Aurora frantically.

Eleanor hesitated, but spoke her mind.

"Is there any possibility that you might be... with child?"

The viscountess' eyes bulged at the thought and she glanced down at her stomach, a mixture of fear and hope setting in.

"Good Lord!"

Eleanor leapt from her seat and took Aurora's hands in hers.

"Come, we must take you to Doctor Lumet - he will be able to tell you for certain."

Eleanor quickly changed out of her painting smock and ran into the sitting room of Hayward House, promising to clear up everything on her return and demanding use of the carriage.

Seeing her daughter so breathless, Lady Hayward immediately obliged and offered her services - though for what she had no idea.

And so, in no more than fifteen minutes, the pair were seated in the carriage and on their way back to the townhouse. Doctor Lumet had been informed to visit as quickly as possible and everything seemed suddenly greener.

Aurora peered down at her stomach as the carriage made its way through the streets of London.

Was it really possible that she was with child? Could she truly have a little Anthony Bridgerton growing inside her?

It was certainly a bizarre thought.

"Come on then!" Demanded an excited Eleanor as she pulled her best friend from the carriage.

It would seem that Miss Hayward was even more thrilled by the thought than Aurora herself.

Then again, she wouldn't be the one who'd have to give birth to it.

"The doctor should be here in roughly ten minutes," greeted the housekeeper as they made their way into the reception room. "Is your ladyship well? Can I get you anything?"

"No, no. I am quite well thank you, do not trouble yourself."

And with that the two ladies were left alone to contemplate the situation.

"Are you sure we should have called a doctor?" Asked Aurora as she paced across the room.

Eleanor pondered the question, "well I suppose it's probably for the best. After all, you may just have a stomach ulcer or some kind of reproduc-"

Aurora cut her off before there was any possibility of her finishing her scientific analysis or what may or my not be going on in Aurora's belly.

"You're really not helping?"

Her remark caused a silence to emerge between them for a moment. A pregnant pause, if you may.

"You should know, if you are with child, that I'll be more than happy to help you."

Aurora grinned at her as she took a seat beside the very enthusiastic young girl.

"I know. And I'm sure my three brothers and Anthony's seven siblings and Simon and our parents and-"

"Yes, okay, you'll have plenty of support. But I still want to be his or her favourite 'aunt'."

This brought forth a round of laugh which helped alleviate much of the tension.

"You know, in Islam we say that every child is a blessing sent from Allah himself. Proof of the parents' goodness."

The viscountess grinned as she wrapped her arms around Eleanor, embracing her in a hug.

"We believe that all mothers are specially protected by Mary. That she will watch over us and our children as she protected her own."

Following this, the two sat in silence contemplating religion and the prospect of new life.

Not five minutes later the door opened to reveal Doctor Lumet.


Dearest readers,

This is also a slightly shorter chapter, but I'm sure you understand why I chose to separate them up.

It would seem there is some possibility of the viscountess Bridgerton being wild child.

How interesting.

And the real question: what will happen when Aurora features in a Waterstone painting? Will Eleanor's identity be compromised?

Yours truly


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